ChatGPT not loading history and cant ask questions

Same for me. I haven’t been able to use the chat for 4 days now.

Same here. Despite the recent fix, nothing changed, i still have this screen:

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I’m having the same issue and it’s been this way for four days now. It’s getting really frustrating because as far as I can tell they seem to think it’s fixed. I have Pro.

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I tried everything, clear cache, reset internet connection, go incognito, try different browser. Chat history not working, send button not working and the best of all is that even an upgrade to plus button not working. The thing is that I can use a different account (windows email) from a different google chrome profile…

So I assume it’s a random problem with random accounts (pref. accounts created with google email), depending on ones history os sth like that.

any feedback received from the team about these errors?

I’ve had the same issues and support has not contacted me back in 3 days

I’ve tried very hard to get support


adding to this thread to stay updated in case a solution pop up. It will be great if someone from OpenAI can provide some answer. Not having access to the history pretty much put a stop on a project I was working on.

I am also having the same problem. History is not showing up on my CHatGPT Plus account but has no problem on my free account.
I have tried everything from cleaning the cache data, sign out and sign in to trying new browser.


history still not back yet but i am getting message that my previously conversation history has been restored!

Same to me :frowning:

I posted on here 3 min ago, and my history just came back online after i started a new chat session with the GPT 4 model.

I hope it is back to stay, but I am saving the history just in case.

update: it looks like the most recent history is back, I still can’t access older history

update 2: looks like more history are showing up

update 3: looks like it’s out again.

The issue is related to a 500 server error in their history backend. If you load your browser’s debug or developer tools, you can see the connection errors.

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interesting. I assume OpenAI is aware of this? The silence treatment is frustrating.

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Same issue here. I’m a plus user and have not had access to my history since Monday. I have tried all the “log out from all devices, clear your cache” solutions. Nothing works. This is very frustrating. Additionally, any new conversation does not appear in the history.

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Send button not working and no history for 4days

When will this finally be fixed? Resorted to using Bing for a bit.

No history for 6 days. Paid for plus. You guys are lucky Bard isn’t up to speed yet.

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Same issue since yesterday morning around 11am EST.

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Yup this is still happening to me, 4 days now. Pretty frustrating and makes the tool pretty annoying to use

I am also a paying user and it has been almost 5 days now, approaching a week, and I still cannot access my conversation records. This is terrible. I paid for the service but I am not receiving the corresponding benefits? Please restore the conversation records for paying users. Your silence gives me the impression that you do not care about the conversation records issue for paying users. This is not an isolated case, but a very important issue that affects many of us. Please address this as soon as possible !

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