ChatGPT Export stopped working

My original post was made 3 days ago, and that was the day after I had first encountered this. So, in other words, if the emails are actually coming, they are currently 4 days delayed.


I am completely confused about the response that suggests making a privacy request, especially considering that the very same page links to a description of the process that everyone on this thread is having trouble with when asking for ChatGPT data.

The image and description by user Togmas above is exactly the issue. The proposed solution is not the way Chat GPT data is accessed.

That being said, I went through this process and am waiting.


This is where the privacy request page brings you when you ask for Chat GPT data and THIS is not working:


My thoughts exactly.

Honestly, I cannot comprehend that reply…besides, what does OpenAI’s privacy portal have to do with anything here?

Anyways, I went down the rabbit hole, and checked to see if there was any amendments / changes made to the openai playground set up… NOPE

Thank you for attaching the screenshot(s)


and for the avoidance of any doubt, there has been ZERO emails, in spam or otherwise.

Surely someone from OpenAI could/should address this issue?

Otherwise, I portend that many will migrate to the alternatives.


Thanks for the confirmation.

I reached out to our contact asking for clarification.

I’m receiving quite a bit of heat here as a volunteer for a self-help forum. I can only hope for good news. :sweat_smile:


I acknowledge that you are a volunteer and please accept apologies if anyone makes you “feel the heat” as I am sure that you are aware that it is the frustration with openai (and their very poor support structure) ,
and NOT with yourself.


I have still been trying to export, I honestly have no idea how many hundreds of times I have tried now, but this is getting ridiculous.
As a paying customer this service is unacceptable


OK, here is a thought…

Maybe it is not the export that is not working…

Suppose that there is an issue with the email system, in which a particular person’s email gets hung, for whatever reason. Then, for every email for that particular person, that would go through the same email submission process, it gets hung.

This would result in some other particular person experiencing a successful export, as you have experienced, while others continue to experience constant failing exports.

It also may explain that a particular person is always experiencing export failure and not some occasional or frequent failure.

Potential way to debug… for a particular person who is experiencing export failure, look through the email logs for that person’s email address.

Looking at the raw email message of prior export email, I find what I think is the originating email source:

(Note the forum sw disallowed “links” so there is (dot) in replacement.)

Received: from pmta17(dot)mandrill(dot)prod(dot)suw01(dot)rsglab(dot)com (localhost [127(dot)0(dot)0(dot)1]) by mail137-135(dot)dal35(dot)mandrillapp(dot)com (Mailchimp) with ESMTP id …uniqueId… for <…myEmailAddr…>; …date…

It turns out that rsglab(dot)com has “Registrant Organization” listed name of Rocket Science Group LLC which is doing business as “MailChimp”.

Going to mandrillapp(dot)com results in a page display of the following:

What is Mandrill?
Mandrill is a paid Mailchimp add-on, and allows clients to send one-to-one transactional emails triggered by user actions, like requesting a password or placing an order. They’re powerful touchpoints between you and your customers, so we’ve made it easier to make the most of them.

So I presume that an OpenAI portion of the system, connects to a Mandrill service point, requesting it send an email with a message about an export.

If it is an issue within the mail system, then it is not a problem lying within OpenAI, but with their provider of mail services.

Continuing in the debugging process, one would have to look at the OpenAI side for a particular person that is experiencing this kind of failure, checking for that person, some request was made, then looking at the Mandrill email logs that would be associated for that OpenAI request, then tracing to the particular email message for that request which should provide a Message-Id, finally tracing the Message-ID through their mail system.

From the comments in this thread, this is not a one off issue, so there are multiple people for which data may be available.

More importantly, OpenAI could try to debug this, and find nothing since it maybe completely outside of their systems.

For multiple people to raise the issue, means there is something going on, and from some comments, vitally impacting their use of OpenAI.

Furthermore, many users may write it off, not check any forum, not take the time and effort to bring up the issue, presume that it will eventually be fixed, on and on; hence the problem may be far greater than reflected in this forum’s user notes.

OpenAI could “investigate” or as you have done, do an export, and find it working, yet in reality, there may be numerous failures.

Hope this might help somehow…

Best regards,



Interesting idea! It’s definitely something I have had to deal with as a PM for e-commerce solutions.

In this particular case, in my previous posts, I opted to use to request the data. The advantage is that we can get the status of the current data export. There, I can see that my request is still processing and no email has been sent yet.

Regarding the request from the ChatGPT web interface, I recall getting information that the request would be handled within 24 hours, but it was usually done within minutes, if not immediately. I always thought that’s a plus, because waiting for the export to be ready is the usual experience when requesting private data from a company.

I personally prefer to know when my data export will be ready for me to access. Considering the differences between the process at and ChatGPT, we may have found a process issue here. After all, how is the system going to know that I need a data export according to EU rules for an account paid for by a company in the US while working from the Middle East?

Ps. Maybe it’s worth checking if a data export request through ChatGPT will also trigger the information that there is a request in process at
I have used all my OpenAI accounts for the previous tests already.


I’ve had the issue before when I’ve had too many chats to export, and deleting some helped, but it doesn’t appear to be the case this time.


I would assume that, if that was the case, there should be a message “too much data to export” or whatever. Also, deleting chats to export them defeats the purpose a bit. If the exporter can’t handle all the chats, there should be a mechanism for me to select some, export them, then select others, export those, etc.

Not meaning to take a bite out of you, of course.


I’ve tried making a request through the private portal, so now we’ll see. Nothing yet, at least.
What makes it unclear through this portal is that the “download my data” there looks like it’ll just be my personal data - it says nothing about my chat data.

Also not meaning to take a bite out of you, either. :slight_smile:


So I just started the process via privacy(dot)openai(dot)com.

Got to the “Download my data”, entered country of residency, and it hung with:


I did try a resubmit which likewise failed. I seriously doubt that this process failure is the same as the one that folks on this thread are reporting.

I find this “privacy” route really convoluted compared to simply using the web interface to do the following:

Selecting under your profile->Settings->Data Controls->Export data->Export

I checked the email that was generated by the “privacy” site and it is coming via eu-west-1(dot)amazonses(dot)com which is a different mail route.

The web interface, per thread and others’ comments, is that it comes back almost immediately stating that the export has completed successfully.

This would be a poor UI interface if it was claiming success when it was really backgrounded to be done, not yet completing, yet claiming to be completed successfully - unless it simply meant that the request itself had completed - successfully in the kind of, well it is in a queue to be done, not yet completed, and we’ll send an email when it is done. But then if it is failing to be completed, well we won’t send that email. This is a very different kind of “successfully competed.” You just never know when wording could be vague.

Best regards,



it seems even the privacy request on is not working as i made my request over 30 hours ago and have not received anything


Just 5 hours so far for me, but yeah… Nothing…


Just a quick update…

I have completed the arduous task of manually copy and pasting every conversation, then deleted them all, 1 by 1.
then started a frivolous chat, and tried then to export it… NO JOY.

I have also tried on several different browsers … NO JOY.

I logged in on another PC… NO JOY.

it has become a self-defeating aspect of chat GPT from open Ai,
why offer a functionality, then stop it, without even any notification…
or at least an ACKNOWLEDGEMENT that there’s a bug and they’re trying to fix it…

It has become mildly infuriating and is rapidly becoming VERY FRUSTRATING.

This episode has gotten me thinking…
where are all the tutorials, videos etc… to educate unaccustomed users into their system?

Where are the simple, CLEAR AND USEFUL help desks/support desks?


Sam Altman might be good at setting up new systems, but he must recognise the importance of a supporting system to deal with all sorts of enquires.

Otherwise, the competitor platforms will outperform OPENAI, both in terms of usefulness, and a commercial support system.



One further attempt (to seek a solution)
I have also “de-pinned” the various GPT’s which I had on the sidebar…

I was curious that perhaps some of these lesser known GPT’s might have “hidden code” and were working in a nefarious manner.

However, after doind ALL THESE TESTS… guess what…

Yeah, you are CORRECT.



Oh for sure, in the past it was because I had a lot of conversations, and I was only deleting conversations I’d already exported… they also don’t make it easy just to delete some, only one by one.


its working i just got my export email, just tested 4 times and got all 4 emails, its fully working again for me, I managed to contact a dev so seems they fixed it


yeh I just got one too, not too long ago