Charged the tripled of what I got

So, I’m just a student still learning things and I needed to use the API for a course. I already had used the free version years ago, and since I have the premium, I tried to create one, but it didnt worked and I discovered that even with chatgpt premium I needed to add $5 on my account so I could use an API again.
Not ideal but ok, I went fowarm tried once and they charged me the $5 dollars just when I try to add a new method of payment, I thought it was weird but went to see if there was $5 on my account and nothing.

So I went to billing and nothing to. Tried to talk to them and no answer, I really thought it was a mistake, so since I did it on my phone the first time, I went to try on my laptop thinking, “ok, I will spend $5 more and they will solve this problem, it was just a bug probably”.
I realized that my credit card still wasnt there besides the previous charge, but I’m so stupid that when and add the credit card again.
So I realized, they were charging me $5 JUST TO ADD MY CREDIT CARD AS METHOD OF PAYMENT!!!
I mean, I know companies sometimes charge something just to see if the credit card works, BUT $5??? So since I was f**** already I add the $5 dollars, that of course was charged for the third time, and I finally have $5 dollars on my account.

But what about the other $10??? That’s ridiculous! To make things worse, I live in Brazil, $5 for me isn’t the same as for a person who lives in US, believe in me. And the credit cards charge a very high amount, bigger than the official currency exchange, plus, they also charge a fee for every purchase you do in other currency.

It ended up being a very big amount and they didn’t charged the fees yet!!! I really don’t know what to do. I needed an answer, anything. Some attention,
But they just don’t answer. Is that normal???

I even cried when I saw the total amount LOL I’m very scared they just won’t do anything.

Does someone know anything else I can do?

Hi there.

OpenAI will not charge you for adding a card, something else must be happening.

The developer forum does not have access to accounts or payment details, you will need to reach out to support using the support bot at in the bottom right corner, there is a small icon that you click to open the support bot.

Enter your details there and select the appropriate option to report an issue with payment, please be patient as the support team is very busy.


So, I reached them and explained everything, made very clear I received the $5 on my account but I was charged three times. They answered me saying that maybe there were some delays but the credit of $5 is in my account, for me to check it again… It’s like they didn’t even read what I said. I didn’t say I paid $5 and didn’t get it. I said I get the credit of $5 however they charged me 3 times for that.
Very frustrating.

Now I answered them explaining AGAIN that the problem is the extra 10 dollars, there's nothing to do with some credit I didn't receive. And send prints of the charges in my credit card, is in reais but you can clearly see 3 charges of R 28,22 from OPENAI one after another.

I hope this time they at least pay some attention on what I’m saying and what the real problem is.

Thanks for your response. I’m trying to be patient, it’s because the money part gives me anxiety but I’m really trying to solve this the best way possible.

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