So, I’m just a student still learning things and I needed to use the API for a course. I already had used the free version years ago, and since I have the premium, I tried to create one, but it didnt worked and I discovered that even with chatgpt premium I needed to add $5 on my account so I could use an API again.
Not ideal but ok, I went fowarm tried once and they charged me the $5 dollars just when I try to add a new method of payment, I thought it was weird but went to see if there was $5 on my account and nothing.
So I went to billing and nothing to. Tried to talk to them and no answer, I really thought it was a mistake, so since I did it on my phone the first time, I went to try on my laptop thinking, “ok, I will spend $5 more and they will solve this problem, it was just a bug probably”.
I realized that my credit card still wasnt there besides the previous charge, but I’m so stupid that when and add the credit card again.
So I realized, they were charging me $5 JUST TO ADD MY CREDIT CARD AS METHOD OF PAYMENT!!!
I mean, I know companies sometimes charge something just to see if the credit card works, BUT $5??? So since I was f**** already I add the $5 dollars, that of course was charged for the third time, and I finally have $5 dollars on my account.
But what about the other $10??? That’s ridiculous! To make things worse, I live in Brazil, $5 for me isn’t the same as for a person who lives in US, believe in me. And the credit cards charge a very high amount, bigger than the official currency exchange, plus, they also charge a fee for every purchase you do in other currency.
It ended up being a very big amount and they didn’t charged the fees yet!!! I really don’t know what to do. I needed an answer, anything. Some attention,
But they just don’t answer. Is that normal???
I even cried when I saw the total amount LOL I’m very scared they just won’t do anything.
Does someone know anything else I can do?