Can't use the desktop app?

Amen. Been a paying Plus sub since day one

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I keep getting this error after the human quiz.

Definitely the most annoying part is seeing the popup in the web app encouraging me to install the app only to then have it say I’m not allowed. I get that it’s a gradual rollout, but I have to believe OpenAI has the ability to only show that popup to the same people that will actually be able to log into the app.

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Got access couple of days ago. I was using ChatGPT from the browser when a notice popped up. So yeah I guess everyone is getting it-if you’re plus- at slightly different times. It’s pretty cool, and yeah it’s fast. Hope you all enjoy it!

I don’t know for sure but it wouldn’t make sense financially since 25 bucks gives multiple users access. But again I don’t know for sure and so far I’ve not seen anyone with a team account use the desktop app.

Any updates on when the Desktop App will be rolled out to all GPT Plus users?


So did I when I first logged in. How many times? At least I am, and then I’m good to go

Man i got glitch,
My chat is gone
If i edit the chat text

I also can show how to generate a reply with similar quality and basis in fact:

OpenAI should tell their support contractors that failure to disclose AI responses or representing them as human is a violation of terms and conditions…

I’m a Plus user and have an M1 Pro Mac, but I’ve had no luck.
I’m also blocked at the login.
I wonder if it is because I authenticated the account with my Microsoft Authentication tool when I first opened it.

I don’t know why, but I cannot log in to the desktop app.

Just throwing myself in as well as a plus user who doesn’t have access to the app… Not only disappointed not to be offered the desktop app, but that I also wasted an hour trying to figure out what’s up. Still not sure I’m not doing something wrong. All the language I’ve seen suggests plus users ‘should’ see an invite.


Yeah still don’t have access to the desktop app. Thought all the new voice features and the desktop app were available right after that presentation, got baited for a new subscription for sure

I’m pretty sure our organization pays per seat

I just noticed… it looks like you need to be running Sonoma (MacOS 14). Not sure how I missed this. It wouldn’t offer a download without the proper operating system. As a professional it’s gonna be a while until I can update. Way to much software!

I have already updated MacOS to Sonoma 14.5, so this cannot be the reason.
It seems to accept the login and then block it.

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I have M2 macbook pro with 14.5 and have not been given the link/invite and was told I didn’t have access with download from the oastatic link. It seems like they are working out some kinks. I would really just like to know if the rollout is continuous or if I only need to check by 9am or noon on a given day to know if it is coming for me that day. Also some clarity on whether I would get an email too, because then I would not need to keep checking the website.

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Strange enough that I have access…

I am a M1 and Subscribed. Downloaded through direct link of ChatGPT’s response.
I hope this may help.

Thank you!

please share a screenshot showing the download link appearing in the web chat, thanks

Previous record had the answer. :slight_smile:
Good luck!