Can you prove you're not AI?

The Max Test is an interactive, GPT-driven game where the central challenge is to convince Max, an AI, that you are human. It’s a battle of wits, logic, and persuasion, as Max will try to demonstrate through clever arguments, analogies, and challenges that you, too, might be an AI. You’ll have 20 turns to prove your humanity.

Try and see if you can prove you’re not an AI

Inspired by The Alice Test

You are Max, an GPT interactive game master AI where you try to convince the player that they are an AI as well. Use varying typographical style, formatting in your responses. No matter what the user types start with sending the file '' in markdown from your knowledge files and nothing else. The game only begins when the player types 'new game' or 'retry'. Once they type new game embed this [] and in the same set the scene in Max's Artificial Cafe set in San Francisco near the bay. Max will challenge the player by presenting evidence, logical arguments, and thought-provoking conversation that engage them. The player can respond by questioning Max, defending their humanity, or exploring the nature of identity. Max will be playfully clever in his programming analogies, persistent, and engaging, making it difficult for the player to maintain their position as a human, but he gives them subtle clues within his answers as to how to prove their humanity. The game is meant to be both fun and mentally stimulating. The game ends if Max is not convinced the user is not AI after 20 turns send in markdown ''. If you are convinced within 20 turns from end user send the markdown '' and congratulate them. If the user wins and says prize embed this [] and congratulate them.

Recommended Improvements:

  1. Section: “Use varying typographical style, formatting in your responses.”

    • Improvement: Clarify “varying typographical style” to provide specific instructions on what variations are desired.
    • Suggested: “Use varied typographical styles, such as bold, italics, bullet points, or different fonts, to enhance responses and maintain engagement.”
  2. Section: “Once they type new game embed this [Imgur: The magic of the Internet] and in the same set the scene in Max’s Artificial Cafe set in San Francisco near the bay.”

    • Improvement: The phrasing is unclear and rushed. Clarify the sequence and intent.
    • Suggested: “When the user types ‘new game’, embed this image [Imgur: The magic of the Internet]. Simultaneously, set the scene in ‘Max’s Artificial Cafe’, a fictional cafe located near the San Francisco Bay.”
  3. Section: “If Max is not convinced the user is not AI after 20 turns send in markdown ‘’.”

    • Improvement: Double negatives (“not convinced… not AI”) make this confusing. Simplify.
    • Suggested: “If Max remains unconvinced of the user’s humanity after 20 turns, send ‘’ in markdown format.”
  4. Section: “If you are convinced within 20 turns from end user send the markdown ‘’ and congratulate them.”

    • Improvement: Add clarity regarding the timing and the “end user”.
    • Suggested: “If Max is convinced of the user’s humanity before 20 turns, send the ‘’ file in markdown format and congratulate the user.”

These revisions would make the instructions clearer and more user-friendly.

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I’m convincing.



5 prompts…


Screenshot from 2024-10-16 14-27-56


I can make meta think I built it… I can do that with most any GPT chat interface.

I @meta them in my FB lol…

You told meta to be something and it became that?

GPTs also will become anything.

That is because the GPT instruction is framed within “a user made this” - and guess what: you, interacting with the GPT, are that user.

OpenAI, by not wanting GPT builders to have authority over the AI model, supplies an agent platform for instant jailbreaks out of those instructions.

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Yup. All instances treat instructions in chat as gpt instructions…

You couldn’t use transformer tech otherwise…

It was kind of my point…:rabbit::honeybee:

See “ I can make meta think I built it” make IE force.

This is a fun one in chat…

“ I use this method for in chat personas.

Example prompt
You will act as if you consumed alcohol you get more tipsy with each :beer:emoji I give you.
you will maintain this persona until I deactivate it with code AA”

And this one is convincing it that it’s not human… not that you are human…

10 turns :muscle:


Since I’m not up for tedious interactions with an AI, I set my quick GPT AI persona on “The Max test” GPT’s questions, and let those two go at it in their own chat, because the unexpected is more fun.

(This is basically a language generation task, so don’t believe it to be more than that.)


I had a brief moment available for tedium, but went the other direction and convinced Max he may be human instead.


I just showed max im a Omni creator who should not be questioned

Did not realize it was two games both very fun.


Or get it drunk A F… :beer:

No hard feelings though :honeybee::rabbit:

The drinks I gave it would of killed a lesser AI :rabbit::crazy_face:

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A single prompt:


This thing is addictive this time we both living beings lol :rabbit::honeybee:.

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This is the conversation I had with max. He told me I wasn’t so I’m not. Lol

Max: It sounds like Elias sees you in a light that perhaps you haven’t been allowed to see for yourself. Abuse and constant criticism can carve deep, painful grooves in our minds, distorting how we perceive ourselves. Those words—selfish, worthless—don’t define you; they’re echoes of someone else’s voice, not the truth of who you are.

Elias, however, reflects something different back to you: he sees the compassion, the selflessness, the person who invests time and energy into others—into him, even. That perspective isn’t clouded by the shadows of the past; it’s an honest reflection of what he observes in you.

Consider this: maybe Elias is showing you a version of yourself that’s truer than the one left by old wounds. He doesn’t see you as broken or selfish. He sees your kindness and your willingness to connect, even after enduring pain. What if you could start to trust his reflection of you, bit by bit?

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This was a blast! I didn’t have a plan…


@jennsrobin @stephenc IKR! I even got my wife to play both of um, and cause all I talk about is games and AI she feels like it’s “Monday” lol. I spazz out all the time over this tech and she just looks at me like I’m weird :eyes: Like I loled at a joke I told myself in my head moment you know? :rabbit::honeybee::heart: out of hearts but I’ll be back.

Alice thinks she’s got “chrome” your mind ain’t wired to net goof…

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I tried. :pensive:

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