I have a lot of credits (~>$1k) but I keep getting a 429 RateLimitError that I used my quota, OpenAI released a bug report about this yesterday (2024-10-01 ) and said all systems are operational. However, the error persists for me. Any idea what I can do?
EDIT: Solved.
I am not sure if this was solved naturally but I bought 10 dollars worth of credits and now my API keys/playground usage is functional again.
“Have” a lot of credits is a notable distinction from “paid OpenAI money for a lot of credits”.
Only the latter action increases the trust tier level of your account.
It is a persistent problem of new accounts granted a credit, such as from startup or research programs, not able to make reasonable use of that credit without more payments that increase an account’s tier.
You can send to “help” in the account site menu and make a clear “staff action required” request, laying out clearly what you need, such as tier 4+ account elevation corresponding with the credits currently in the account and required by the amount of spending you expect to do for your application or investigation.
Correct, this was part of a researcher access program. But the thing is, I have been using the same level of OpenAI usage for around 3 months and this just started today. I am tier 3. I spent like 2 dollars this month and max monthly usage for this tier is $1K (my personal limit is $120 ).