Any alpha testers out here?

What better life than an alpha tester friends? Even the thought gives me goosebumps. I would love to meet an alpha tester for open AI voice/any.

Thank you for reading. Have a good news today.

I’m beginning to think it doesn’t exist, been promising next week for some time.

When people ask me why I pirate software, because every time I’m genuine I get taken for a ride by the devs… I’d this any different?

Bro… I’m beta tester … and when giant updates come out , I can’t find it online, can’t see it in Google Play store .

Hell gpt can’t even find it for me online ( often telling me that isn’t shared )

I mean how can you beta test and bug test , not knowing changes / fixes.

And you are talking about alpha, Jesus…

I’m beta as well and i find out all the new stuff from TikTok… I seem to get everything when it’s released to the wild.