After adding payment method, my money in bank was deducted but OpenAI credit balance not updated.
Anyone can help me?
While normally it should update instantly, there’s been cases where it took a few hours. If it has not been credited to your account in 24h, I’d get in touch with OpenAI customer service.
Thank you, how can I get in touch with OpenAI customer service?
Go to this website:
On the bottom right you’ll find a chat widget and the ability to write a message to support staff.
Good luck!
Hi, @bathanh, I am having the same issue, I linked my credit card as method of payment, and got charged $5 without being credited, at first I thought it was an issue with my card, so I removed and added the card again, similarly I was charged $5 for the second time, yet my credit balance remained $0.00 on OpenAI. Please were you able to resolve the issue, and was your balance on OpenAI credited with the charge on your bank?
Could you fix it? It will complete one week since I bought and it still didn’t update. Besides that, the OpenAI bot from said they would contact me in the e-mail, but they still didn’t.
For me it has been 4 hours now and I am still waiting, it is very draining