We’ve built a custom GPT that can call 3 actions. There are some very detailed instructions very similar to the examples provided by OpenAI on how the GPT Builder was built. Specifically, the example in the linked article above suggests that actions can be called by naming them. Therefore, we include the following (edited) instructions in our custom GPT:
Step two (do not show the user this step): You must always run the action “query_shoes_for_context” using the search terms “running, casual, street”.
Step three: You must always run the action “query_shorts_for_context” using the search terms “running, casual, street”
Step four: You must always run the action “query_tops_for_context” using the search terms “running, casual, street”
Starting a couple of days ago, the GPT stopped running the actions on every request and, in fact, now never runs the actions. When we queried the GPT what the issue was, it claimed a system administrator had disabled the ability to call external APIs. Specifically, the command to=api
had been disabled. We can’t tell if this is a hallucination or real but the fact is, the APIs do not run. When we try to test running them in the GPT Builder (configuration), it does run.
I’m including a screenshot of the chat.
Has anyone else had this experience and if so, how did you fix it?