Account got Deactivated or Deleted error

It tells me i can’t access it because it’s been deleted or deactived. I don’t remember having deactived it. Why is it like that?
PLS , help. I don’t wanna create another account.

Hello, your account may have been banned from OpenAI’s services for a variety of reasons. If you do not believe you have broken OpenAI’s TOS, then I would recommend going to, clicking the black square in the bottom right corner, and opening a ticket.

Explain. more. I’m confused.

Have you dont this?

*Extra Words For Discourse.

I recommended someone to go there a while back.
I still feel a little heartbroken…

Please elaborate.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

(Extra words for Discourse)

I’ve personally come to terms with it being a thing of the past, but I recently found an email from OpenAI that I received a long time ago, and when I showed it to ChatGPT, the response I got back brought a tear to my eye.

So, I’ll share the chat history and elaborate a little bit.

I think you can read this by translating it into English using Google Translation or ChatGPT if it doesn’t work.

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Hi, when I use it it says error and regenerate, nothing about denied account or sometinhg else.
What can i do?