We’ve just rolled out a new look for the forum. First off, we replaced the huge OpenAI logo up top and put a real title there — Developer Community. (I hope this makes things a bit more obvious that this community is designed for developers—and for developers to connect and discuss with each other on how to build with the OpenAI platform.) We’ve made a few other tweaks: making it easier to get in touch with the OpenAI team (by hitting Contact Support up top), and a new font and color scheme. If you run into anything odd-looking or too-low contrast, please do let me know here. Thanks for being part of the community!
See @DavidMM
This is the color change
Folks have asked me about it all day haha😂
Very lavender - a new emoji picker for the forum is also exhibited.
Better check CSS and media types with a responsive view simulator, though, as this is the title bar at one particular width:
“OpenAI Developer Community” as an image isn’t going to help SEO.
“Account Support” would be good text for a link to the help page, to distinguish what the forum cannot assist with. And then the help page could show the tree of “messages” in screenshots to send an API account-related message.
For something to revisit, the “OpenAI scheme” of mustard and baby poo colors for code highlighting fenced blocks that was made a few weeks ago is an eyesore. But, I guess it was somebody’s choice.
I wish the code block could be longer before it scrolls.
@edwinarbus Thanks for the update! I love the facelift!
Thanks for the feedback. I’ve made a couple improvements here. Overall, it matches more the style of the Playground/Dashboard, especially in dark mode. OpenAI has a new color palette that revolves around that lavender/blue/purple. I’ve moved around how the lavender appears here (de-emphasizing it), while increasing the blues. I noticed some others had this feedback around the “lavender” too. Hope this is better. For the top bar, the title/logo is always an image, so no way around that. The header is a third-party component / plugin thing, and I’ve been looking at ways to make it a bit more responsive at certain window widths (it looks great at full desktop width and phone width, but gets awkward in between).
I have seen discussions about removing sections that have nothing to do with the API. In that case, this suggestion becomes invalid. However, if the other components supported by ChatGPT are to remain here, it might be useful to add categories for DALL·E and Sora. (It was literally the very first thing I did when I joined this forum, to check if there was a DALL·E category.) It would better separate the different topics.
Also, an “Off-topic” or “Diverse” or “General AI” category could be useful if this topics are to remain. Then everything that doesn’t directly relate to the OpenAI services could go there.
(The question is whether the recategorization can be automated via tags or AI. Manually, that would probably be quite time-consuming.)
(I’m not sure if these tips are off-topic since it’s only about the design. If I misunderstood, sorry. I can delete the post.)
With some creative font borrowing…
Is the current site-logo an entire SVG as presented, or is it built from the forum data, tho?
Definitely in scope, but not for this “phase”. @.vc on the team is thinking about new categories
Lately when I add forum links to bookmarks, I’ve been getting this barely visible favicon. This is on firefox dark theme.
(the favicons displayed on tabs toolbar look nice though)
It would be nice a different system for vetted members that report issues
since it seems like 80% of the members that frequent here ask very basic questions while maybe 10-20% of the members report actual issues that are impacting a lot of other members.
It would at least separate real issues from non issues