06/04/2024 ChatGPT Widespread Outage

Same issues here: blocked by CORS, failed to load resources, error when fetching account. I tried in different browsers and on both Mac and Windows. The service has been slow to respond for over a week. Now it is nonresponsive. Where can we get updates for when this will be resolved?

Seeing this issue as well.

When I try to curl with -X OPTIONS on chatgpt’s domain, I get back the same result as if it I had done a GET. I wonder if the web server for this domain is not handling OPTIONS correctly anymore. That would mean that there’s nothing telling the browser “Hey it’s safe to use content from cdn dot oaistatic dot com”- so the browser would block it using the default policy.

Anything cached might still be used, but all caches expire, so eventually all the stuff being retrieved from the cdn will need to be reloaded, and the browser will block it.

Same thing happening with me samsung user A73

I am playing around and try to upload an image and let GPT 4o to analyse it but I get a huge error! Find attached an image with the error

Just wanted to add I have also received the same error when attaching images. Worth being looked at.

Note it’s inconsistent, as I tried again later, and error didn’t populate. Everything seemed normal.

Could this be related to load?

Yet another day, yet another “ChatGPT is at capacity right now” message, and despite being a paying customer, I must use Gemini or Perplexity. It’s a slap in the face for paying customers.

Even worse, the OpenAI support pages suggest the Help button, but I can’t access the web interface where it is supposedly located because of the above message.

Anyone feeling the same way? How to contact support?

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Cant log in into Mac OS App - Something went wrong. Please make sure your device’s date and time are set properly. Check that your internet connection is stable, then restart the app and try again

same here. i also pay for the service but it is not working the whole day… when do we expect it to be fixed?

Ironically, you reference the page where I encountered the mentioned advice which suggested me to use the Help button which I can’t access.

I see a bunch of FAQ items and bots, but no way to talk to a person.

That is correct. There is no way to talk to a person.

GPT goes off rails using google auth and only prompt without side bar when creating new account using apple sign in

openai doesn’t have any quality assurance engineers???


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When I logged in, it just appears the icon of close side bars,new chat bar and message chatcpt,I cannot type in anything.Please help me,Thank you very much.

Heyya, currently experiencing the exact same issue, any chance you found a way to solve this?

Same issue here, on phone and computer. Help!

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Same issue anyone found a solution?

No. I loaded Claude instead. Not sure what is happening with chat. I cleared cookies and still can’t get in

Thank god I came here, cause I thought it’s only happening on my browser lol.