Why is my account deactivated?

I have Sign in failed

You do not have an account because it has been deleted or deactivated. If you believe this was an error, please contact us through our help center at help.openai.com.

(error=account_deactivated) can anyone fix it ??

There are some reason for an account being deactivated.

Do you live in a country that is not supported?

Did you use it for any illegal stuff?
Maybe you’ve tried to prompt inject it to get to know how ChatGPT works?
Made some political propaganda texts with it?
Are you on any sanction lists or are you investigated for planning terror attacks?

This is the developer forum. We are just “normal” developers. We have no access to your account history.

You can read the policies to find out what it might have been you did wrong.

If you are sure that is not the case you need to talk to them by following the provided link.

No I didn’t do anything wrong and I live Cambodia soo ChatGPT can use in my country so Can I reactivate my deleted account?

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Then you should click the help link you got.
You can contact support there as well.

Hey do you have the Same iusse as me it’s almost 5 day do you think my account can reactivate after 31 day ???