“gpt-3.5-turbo” this model highest ourput show me 750-950 token output, how to prompt to get best ourput, i prompt: The blog post must be at least 2,000 words long
$promtIm = “Write best informational blog post about {$title} in complete html format without introduction, faq & conclusion section and Must Ensure Full article must be html format so give space and heading by html tag. The blog post must be at least 2,000 words long and must be following these instructions:”;
You have encountered models now extensively trained to curtail the length of the output they produce, by design.
You can either use original gpt-3.5-turbo-0301 model without as much brain damage, or you can perform your task in steps that wouldn’t need such lengthy output.
Instructing by word count also isn’t ideal. You should instead instruct by the type of article, number of paragraphs, and number of sections.
Also don’t spam up the internet with low quality text for your own SEO profit.
Just adding to what has already been mostly emphasized: A useful way to “force” a longer output in one go is to really write out the outline in addition to the prompt.
Section 1:
Paragraph 1a: <…>
Paragraph 1b: <…>
Section 2: <Name …>
Paragraph 2a: <…>
Try this with a few variations and you will see that you will be able to get at least well over 1,000 words.
But as has been stressed: (a) you may get lower quality results rather than breaking up the task and (b) will your readers really read a 2k AI-generated blog post?