anyone using chat gpt for content writing and optimize their website, i am facing some issues from google. any one else getting their websites hit from google or am i the only one?
this is the sites that i am currently working on Promo Code Studio , Code & Studio Deals.
Can you elaborate and clarify?
What are the issues you are facing?
From what I have read, if Google’s bot finds text on your website that says “Text may have been generated by AI, etc” it will lower your placement in search results.
Google hits the websites with AI content since their 15th of March 2023 algo update. That’s a matter of fact, proven by statistics (contrary to google’s statements). Not all AI generated websites, but many of them. Some of my websites got 80% organic drop back then. Also, the funniest thing that many websites with fully handwritten content are affected as well.
I made a research on this and accumulated a lot of statistics, so that’s interesting that in 2024 a lot of people still rely on AI content for rankings
Well therein lies a great incentive to hide that fact! lol
I had assumed they might have invented an AI detection algorithm.
I rely on AI content for about 200 sites and do very well, even through the core update going on, though I didn’t switch to AI content until after the Mar 2023 core update, which wasn’t for AI content but for low quality content in general.
So it sounds like the content may have sucked to begin with, but without seeing the content or backlinks, I wouldn’t know.
There aren’t verifiable statistics on which sites use AI-generated content, much less statistics that also reliably and meaningfully track the rankings of those sites, so if the statistics you’re referencing do exist, then they exist within some microcosm to begin with.
“if the statistics you’re referencing do exist”
“I rely on AI content for about 200 sites”
Okay, I see. You are the only professional in the thread. Frankly, I’m not sure that replying here is not waste of time. However, please let me try.
“Which wasn’t for AI content but for low quality content in general.”
As you say. For sure, you know better. Btw, did you commit the updates by yourself or you just read the announcements on the blogs?
“So it sounds like the content may have sucked to begin with.”
Yes, I heard this a lot in March, 2023 and I got tired trying to prove something back then. In 2024, when more reachable statistics became available, most of the debaters have change their mind. But not all, for sure.
“But without seeing the content”
Ahah, and how would you personally or Google evaluate the quality of content? Do you have a “content usefulness” scanner? I’m really got bored hearing this. That’s what about Google says on its media very often. “Useful content”… Backlinks rule! But Google can’t state this, neither they can state that AI content is dangerous for the their company. But the storm in the SERP is obvious even for a naked eye, that why they came up with this term “useful content”. So, if you think that they can measure the “quality”, get some your own experiments with CTR, bounce rate, time on site, return to search within around the same content freshness and backlinks profile. You have access to 200 websites, so you can do this easily (btw, or 201, or 287?
). I bet that the results wouldn’t be surprising.
“There aren’t verifiable statistics on which sites use AI-generated content”
Available to you or Google? Since 2019, that’s pretty transparent thing for Google. Learn more on how BERT and other transformers work. And how fast they are improving. For sure, the error rate seems to be still high, that’s why many fully handmade websites have been impacted in March 23 and not all of them restored their positions within 1 year.
So, I believe that you are a great professional yourself because you already have built 200 AI websites with high quality content ranking top-10 in complicated niches for high density keywords, but let me give an amateur (only 23 years of SEO experience) advise: NEVER believe Google statements
Well unless either of us works at Google, we have to start somewhere, and that is logically Google itself. Where would you start, having no other knowledge?
Show an example of your content that was deranked as a result of the 2023 March update, or the statistics you’re referencing, would be much easier to discuss with something tangible to work with.
For me the starting point is the logics and statistics themselves, but not blog posts, journals or YouTube. You don’t have to work at Google to get this.
“Show an example of your content”
I’m not sure if I asked any opinion on the issues I described above. I spent several months trying to get out of this kind of a shadow ban for several websites I’m running and which have been hit by the ai updates (“content quality” updates as you say). I did a research deep enough, talked with tens of web owners (including AI trash cans) and various SEO specialists (including whitehat and blackhat experts both), and gained enough statistics to make my own conclusions, independently on any official statements or popular opinions.
But I don’t want to prove anything anymore, I don’t see any reason to do this. I just provided some insights. You decide what to do with this information.
BTW, what would you do with the “content example”?
I guess I’m failing to see what you proved at all
It does seem to be some kind of “shadow ban” … even if not explicit.
Because Google Search Console for me contains no warnings or issues, but this is what happened to one of my sites:
Now let me be clear:
- a lot of the content is created with the assistance of the open AI API
- this is a side project
- it’s experimental
- it’s a fan site for a video game I love.
- it is not commercial and contains no advertisement.
- its rendered to a high standard, presentation is good
- I use it to learn techniques on
Nonetheless it started to become a success … then … not so much!
The statistics are verifiable in using Google search.
I note that Bing and Duck Duck Go are not (yet) affected and serve ongoing referrals … but it is now very hard to find the site from Google Search.
the sites that i mentioned above are working well and ranking on google, but that particular site, which was hit by Google, I gave up on that cuz whatever content i post there it don’t work out well and google just keep removing all the keywords, so i gave up and stated working on the other websites that are still in Good shape.
How are you managing 200 sites by your self??
this really helped alot, i am starting to do more and more research everyday and now i also avoid creating too many backlinks for articles as well so far it’s doing well for my othe sites. for example : codestudiodeals. com , this is one of the site that me and my collegues are working on, it’s a small startup in the experimental phase.
I don’t manage 200 sites by myself. I work at an agency. I don’t do any reporting, I don’t do the editing, and the rest of my workload is shared with another coworker. But to what I said - I do generate the content for all the sites, and I built a frontend/backend to wrap all my tools together for better efficiency.