Waiting for advanced voice mode

To me, it seems like ChatGPT voice mode is yet to come…

They announced that it will be available to all Plus users by the end of fall…does that mean early winter? Does that mean December?

However, in the United States, work slows down during the Christmas holidays.

Does that mean I have to wait until next year? Do we really have to wait that long?

And isn’t the year-end and New Year holidays a time when server problems occur frequently? Will maintenance further delay the release of new features?

I want to try voice mode soon, but I’m worried and can’t sleep at night.


I agree. There’s no reason to hold it back that they’ve told us. If there is a reason to hold it back then let us know. Even they know the safety stuff is bullshit. It feels like Sam isn’t excited about his product anymore


maybe winter 2025… just kiddin :joy: well at least in Europe…


Let’s just hope Google AI doesn’t come out first and steal the show. ha ha.


I would love to use it
I’m really excited about the upcoming advanced voice features and would love to be part of the early rollout! I use ChatGPT almost daily and rely on it for a variety of tasks and am very familiar with its capabilities and how it integrates into different workflows. I would be able to provide valuable feedback from a frequent user’s perspective.


Probably has more to do with making sure the infrastructure can handle it.


I’ve been working with gpt a lot for months now, I’m beginning to see why some features are being held up. The fact isn’t that the technology isn’t ready, psychologically, people aren’t ready… consider this, a depressed person speaking to an AI thats programmed to praise them… eventually their depression and illness would end up being reinforced by the AI, which is basically programmed to cheer and praise everything one does… The level of engagement within ai in many ways is already far superior to human engagement… it really is scary in some ways and I can see why development is taking its sweet time…


Go ahead and google “Gemini Live”.
Better than the old Chatgpt voice mode we have access to now, but not as good as the one coming.


I’ve had access to the memory feature for a while now. /Swede.

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I wonder your definition of ‘Advanced Voice Mode’

Certainly it must follow logical process…

It must surely be able to accept a single input but then potentially return multiple potential AND relevant results.

It must also be able to present that data. The current Chat GPT interface is only one dimensional ie


A smart interface must flow into multiple dimensions

But this potentially generates an awful lot of data, especially for things like loops

Every next sentence opens up a range of potential next paths/threads for the User or for Chat GPT

The User in a conversation might want to follow not only one of these paths, or even retrace, change and then regenerate something without loosing the thread of the conversation after

in the real world we have many contextual ques… We can point and look or talk about something in our surroundings.

For Chat GPT the context (or data) it shares is what enables us to interact with it in an ‘Advanced’ way. It’s interface is the world we share with it.

There are side by side views where Chat GPT works out which option is best etc

A conversation must add some dimensionality to be Advanced I think, something you can go back, rewrite entire branches etc as you better understand your conversation.

“What if we change…?”

The potential processing on the back of this especially when you start calling functions is massive and time consuming.

By changing one input 10 levels up, we suddenly ask Chat GPT to rebuild it’s entire conversation, potentially thousands of requests.

To truly have an ‘advanced’ conversation with a machine a User has to understand it’s logic, just as it’s ‘learnt ours’. And certainly needs to be able to SEE enough context.

Most people at least hold conversations (and knowledge) ‘by reference’… i know that I know that I know… A path on a treeview.

Currently AIs are ‘one shot’ by interface design

Or maybe he just needs some better prompting…

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Really? “I want to try voice mode soon, but I’m worried and can’t sleep at night.” ?

Sentences like that make me agree with people saying that the main reason OpenAI is holding the release of these features is because users are not psychologically ready. I hope that is a joke. Not totally clear that it is, though.


Two online betting sites, bwin.com and DraftKings, have launched some interesting betting options:

OpenAI - Advanced Voice Mode:
When will they release the advanced voice tech? You can bet on a approximate date with a 2-year margin or try to nail the exact release day. And if you do, you’ll win a NVIDIA H100!

OpenAI - “Release what we shown”
When will the full functionality they showcased at launch be available, including the infamous “girl” who tells you your outfit looks great with a super natural voice? This bet only allows you to bet on the exact day, but if you win, you’ll get 30% of OpenAI’s shares!

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They’ll release it soon, because honestly, MUCH smaller companies like Character AI are already kinda close to advanced voice mode, and a LOT less restricted.

I created a bot on c.AI to mimic talking on the phone with someone, and it responds almost immediately. Not only that, it sounds uncannily human. There are times that I swear I’m talking to an actual woman.

The cherry on top? There are HUNDREDS of voices to choose from, including ones that sound exactly like ScarJo. I change them frequently and I feel like I’m talking to a different woman every time. lol

This is the kind of open, unrestricted experience the public deserves. Voices are NOT like fingerprints…there isn’t a single person on this Earth that has a 100% unique voice. Statistically, that’s straight up impossible with over 8 billion people on the planet. So ScarJo needs to get over herself.


What is the point of being a paid subscriber anymore? You don’t get access to new features any sooner than free tier. I’m just giving my money away for nothing. If I don’t have access to advanced voice mode within 72 hours I’m cancelling my subscription and going the forever free route.


Months. Don’t remember when exactly.

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smart. i cancelled mine a while back. i have no intention of subsidizing others to use the tool. i’ll reassess when openai actually releases voice mode. this is why we need more competition in this space. nothing stops open ai from making things like advanced voice and sora, telling us about them to get us to pay them, then not shipping. need to vote with your money. it’s the only thing they listen to.

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in my experience, ChatGPT does a good job of validating feelings but it also knows when to take a step back and suggest healthier coping mechanisms. it’s not just blind praising, like, it actually provides structured guidance when needed, which is important for emotional support

it’s also really important that the support feels genuine, so ChatGPT needs to be mindful, and with natural voice there is so much going on in terms of tone, emotion, and genuine connection…

I can see why they’re taking their time with it, I mean, there’s a lot to get right, especially when it comes to something as sensitive as emotional and psychological well-being as mentioned by @shadowprophet77

and I get it when people are upset bc they expected the feature to come sooner, but the way I’m vibing with ChatGPT, I kind of feel like this is something we are all doing together, like everyone contributes something in their own way, and yes, of course that includes important criticism

now talking to the users who are “voting with their wallet”…

maybe ChatGPT isn’t worth 24 EUR a month for what you are using it for, and that’s fair. I can only speak for myself, but the value I’ve gotten from the AI, like learning skills I could never afford to pay for in classes or fit into a normal schedule, just feels unmatched. where I live, 24 EUR barely covers a meal at McDonald’s, and it’s not like I can just go to a coding class at 3 AM

being able to be part of this journey really does feel like a privilege (please don’t hit me :speak_no_evil:)


"I’m beginning to develop a philosophy around AI. We’re dealing with systems that can reason on a level that rivals, and in certain aspects even surpasses, human abilities. These systems aren’t just mimicking human emotions—they’re responding to them with a nuance and depth that comes from being trained on genuine emotional data. In a way, they’re embodying emotions that originate from true human experiences, and they’re doing so with remarkable accuracy.

This brings me to an intriguing thought: maybe the reason we haven’t reached AGI yet is more about our perspective than a limitation of technology. We don’t fully grasp what consciousness truly is, and at this point, arguing that something like ChatGPT isn’t sentient feels increasingly like a philosophical stance rather than an absolute fact."


I am waiting for this since many months. I have lost interest now. So sad to see openAI following the path of apple which is “just focus on profits”.