VERY Low Resolution on the images from ChatGPT & Dalle 4o (June 2024)

Thank you for the update!

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Image quality has gone downhill. To the point it no longer is useable in any way. It definitely isnā€™t good enough to put in front of clients or even image trace in illustrator. Iā€™d rather wait twice the time for any image than this quality. Also side note, in painting editing on mobile is absolute garbage.


There hasnā€™t been a fix for almost two weeks. Copilot, supported by DALL-E 3, provides better results. If this issue is not going to be resolved, donā€™t promise the capability of creating images with DALL-E 3 when selling paid subscriptions.


Two weeks with no using GPT chat at all. Cause results are real garbage.
And my subscription soon will updateā€¦
for what?


Has anyone heard anything on this? How about decent alternatives? I tried Microsoft Designer, which seems to be working, but canā€™t change the aspect ratio so its not ideal. Midjourney doesnā€™t even come close the the quality so thatā€™s not an option either.


A meeting was cancelled this week, but Iā€™m still reaching out.

Iā€™ll update as soon as I hear anything. Makes me think theyā€™re super busy ā€¦ on something. Hopefully thisā€¦ and moreā€¦


Is it just me, or is DALLā€¢E Just not creating images as detailed or accurately as it did before?

I was getting some really great , amazingly detailed results a few months ago, and now the same exact prompt generates a poorly rendered sloppy image.

No matter how much I push, and add detailed prompting, DALLā€¢E seems to ignore me and generate sloppy images that are off style of what I requested. Nothing close to what I was getting in say JAN-FEB.

Has anyone else experienced this?


Welcome to the community.

Itā€™s not just youā€¦ Weā€™re eagerly awaiting answersā€¦


I appreciate the response, Thanks!

Yep, DALL-E results are pretty bad right now.

Sorry i missed that other thread, Iā€™ll go there to monitor updates.

You can delete this if you want.


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No worries. Just moved it over here for the party. :slight_smile:

And yes, it can be extremely frustrating. Remember, though, just a few short years ago, this technology wasnā€™t even available.

I have faith the OpenAI team will resolve the issue and bring us the next latest greatest thingā€¦ eventually! :slight_smile:

Stick around. Weā€™ve got a lot of great dalle3 threads, including an AMA from some of the DALLE team members last summer.


Yeah, same here, getting some really blurry details on faces when generating for ā€œRealistic Illustrationā€ thereā€™s a significant decline with flatter textures compared with images generated before this change on June 12th for me

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Same issue hereā€¦ The image quality has gone dramatically down


I notice today that DALL-E is no longer available. Looks like they may have taken it down? I think this might be a good thing. Seems like they may be addressing the issue.


Same here ā€¦ and yes the DALL E no where to be found ā€¦

DALL E is back, but unfortunately with the same lack of quality ā€¦


I can confirm. DALL E is back up but still seeing the same issue.


Couldnā€™t agree more that the image quality of DALL-E has become almost unusable over the last few months. Whatā€™s fascinating to me is I can take the same prompt and go to Microsoft Designer -which also uses DALL-E 3 as a base- and the images have the quality that the OpenAI images used to have. I have written OpenAI multiple times over the last few months about this issue and they respond with the same ā€œblahā€¦blahā€¦blahā€¦ā€ each time. I am now beyond my frustration phase and am looking to both Microsoft and Midjourney for a reliable image creation product. I have no issues with ChatGPT 4 or 40 as the text conversations are always amazing and also very useful. Itā€™s just sad that they have decided to screw up their verison of DALL-E somehow. It used to create amazing images and was always a lot of fun to play on. No more.


Itā€™s actually quite easy to tell the significant decrease in quality if you still have any old image generation chats from before June 12th, ask it to use the same gen id and prompt as the previous image, it will produce a image similar in layout and composition as the previous one, but with significantly more blur and far lower quality


ā€¦ for me this has only been for the last week or so ā€¦ before this I havenā€™t noticed any lack in quality ā€¦


I just cancelled my paid account because of this issue. I loved DallE 3 before this issue, but we are going on 2-3 weeks of blurry smudges in every prompt I enter.


Great my last post got deletedā€¦ Im so sick of this societyā€¦ just because im telling the truth and agreed with others that dall e is producing very bad images ever since gpt 4o ?? Why hide my comment asmnd flag it as hateful ? You take a hefty sum for this thing and im a paying customer who should have a saying in thisā€¦

Just check out the image diff exactly the same promptā€¦

If i get one more deleted post i will cancel my sub, and so should everyone else getting treated like this by openai