VERY Low Resolution on the images from ChatGPT & Dalle 4o (June 2024)


I have two paid plans and previously had no issues creating images. I was testing some line artwork, and it looked great. However, today, after attempting about 40 images, they appear very bad and are of very low resolution—even when using the exact same prompts. Does anyone know if there has been an update or if this is a temporary issue? I am attaching an image of what I am getting now compared to what I got before. Notice the poor quality lines and smudged details in the newer image compared to the previous one, which had crisp and clean lines.

New Image:

Older Image

Thank you for reading


Exact same prompt? What was the prompt?

They could be tinkering in the background, but i haven’t heard anything personally.

I’m experiencing the same issue. It’s been happening for about 24hrs now.

All the images are coming out as if they’re created by a little kid using a pencil. I’ve never had this issue until yesterday evening (CST).

Something certainly changed as I’ve been using this for a very long time now


Thanks. I’ve moved it to bugs to hopefully get some eyes on it from the DALLE team. I’m sure they’re aware. I wonder if it’s related to the problem mentioned a week or so ago with artifacts on glasses and other places…

The images in OP kinda look like similar problems…


Exact same prompt, even with the same dog breed, it keeps happening

Are you still saying white background?

Weird that it’s showing a grey-ish one with the mistake…

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im facing same issues the quality of generated images is low

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Im getting this as well. I create minimalist images using it and i havent done it in a few days. Tried today and theres smudge marks all over the images. Its unable to correct itself.


I also have this problem for a week now.
The same prompt. But results are very poor(


Welcome to the OpenAI Dev Community Forum!

I’m trying to pass this info along to the DALLE team.

If you search dalle3 here on the forum, we have an AMA with the DALLE team from last year somewhere…

They’re working hard, I’m sure. We’ve come so far since DALLE2!

Good to have another DALLE-er here with us. (Is that a word? haha)

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I just want to report that I have been experiencing extremely low quality in images as well. I am patient on a fix, but would love to know if the developers are at least aware of the issue.


I’ve been getting poor results for the past week. There are no issues with the drawings generated in GPT maker, but the results are terrible when using DALL-E. I believe there has been some interference in the background.


I get also very bad images for 2 days now. I don’t know what is happening in there. I’m using the same prompts as before, but now I get literally destroyed pictures.

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Almost two weeks when I could not use GPT, cause I generate only images there with DALL-E. Also interesting to know, when it can be fixed If possible.

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I’ve also noticed a sudden drop in image quality over the past few days. I’m using the same prompts as before, but the resolution has deteriorated to the point where it’s no longer practical for my needs.


Yeh, I’m experiencing the same issue. It’s basically become unusable for generating logos (which is my use case) as instead of generating clean graphics, it’s adding “smudges” to the image.


Thanks for all the feedback. We’re passing it along to the team.


Same issues here. Images have wobbly lines and low quality.

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It’s been several days, and Chat GPT-4 and DALL-E 3 are still unusable. The images keep coming out with smudges and very low resolution. I’ve tried many different prompts with no luck. If anyone finds a fix, please share it. I would love for this to be solved so I can continue using it just like before


happening to me tonight for low scale stuff… maybe post-filter for faces and it thinks it’s a person?

I’ve still not heard anything from anyone, but the DALLE team is super small last I knew… I’ll keep trying to find an answer.

Hang tight…
