Using ChatGbt as food coach and tracker

I am a relatively new user and have been trying to use ChatGbt as a food coach and tracker. with the hope that I could lower my cholestorel. It started out great.

I worked with it to come up with a set of business rules and track my meals (which I gave it verbally which is awesome) on a weekly basis. I came up with 8 business rules (things like no more than 1 red meat meal a week, at least 2 meat free meals each week, no more than 2 fried food meals a week, etc).

I provide it each night a verbal summary of what I ate (which is awesome since it takes seconds) and was really excited about this. However, I started noticing error like it would not recall meals that I recorded the previous day or if I asked it how I was doing against my weekly targets, it would tell me I met my 1 red meat meal limit even though I never consumed red meat. Funny, b/c when I prompted it to tell me which was my red meat meal, it would say I havent had any and when I pointed the error, it would admit to its mistake. I noticed 4 instances where it made this or similar mistakes

I’m not sure Chat GBT is ready for this functionality but was curious if others have used it for this use case and had similar expereinces. I am also wondering whether upgrading to the paid version will iimprove (I have come to the data limit several times this week where it reverted to version 3.5). Also, I try to keep all my meal tracking to the same thread b/c I noticed it had problems remembering details from other sessions. Still I got the errors.

Anybody have thoughts on this or know if paying the subscription will improve the error rate
