We have taken OpenAI Chatgpt plus for 16 users in the month of June 2024. We added an extra seat in July for which the payment has been failing consistently due to Indian compliance issue of OpenAI’s way of storing credit cards. The banks have confirmed this. Now due to failure of payment for one seat, our entire workspace has been blocked since July.
I request you to do one of the following:
Allow payment for the one seat as a single payment without saving the credit card information and there by complying to the Indian regulation of credit card payments.
Provide alternate payment method apart from credit card in case OpenAI does not wish to comply to the Indian regulations of credit card.
Remove the extra seat added and give us access to the workspace we already paid for with 16 users for a year.
Refund us the money since we are not able to use your services, and we have already paid for a whole year for 16 users.
From the ChatGPT UI, I am unable to do anything, including changing payment method because it keeps throwing this error:
I have written to support@openai.com atleast 5-6 times, and no responses so far. Please guide?
Has anyone else faced similar issues with the payments and billing?