Today ChatGPT File is not being read.. There is a bug

I have the same issue. I can upload files but it says it can’t read, it’s on the website


For some reason there also seems to be an issue with having the memory function turned on. When you have memory function turned on, it doesn’t do anything but search the memory itself. I think there’s a big issue going on to day

same issue. from the desktop website will not recognise uploaded such as images. It looks like from the status page this was happening yesterday as well.

When will the problem be solved?


I need this fixed ASAP. Definitely not a pleasent experience.


Same issue, got 4o and o1 preview answered like gpt 4, also i can’t load files/create images, but it works fine in voice mode, this need to be solved as soon as possible.


The problem with file upload/image upload has not been resolved yet. I have been experiencing this issue for the last 3 days. When it will be resolved? @Munna23

This is weird to notice that this issue still persists and is not solved yet after being noticed from last 3 days!

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Come on I have a paper due in 3 days :sob: need it to be fixed asap


el mismo problema ,cuando lo van a arreglar ,???Es urgente o sino devuelvan el dinero del pago

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Paying for OpenAI’s service is like paying for a professionally packaged pile of crap - looks premium, works like garbage

This also happened to me and it has been going on for 3 days. but when i tried to use the app, everything works normally.

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Yes urgent! documents not being read and yesterday cant not upload , today I can upload documents but the cant be read. System always ask me to upload… it must be a bug. Please fix!!!

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use the app version, it works fine for me

Yes but not everyone will be comfortable in app, web version is most important

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I am facing the same issue!

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File or picture upload still not working. Also GPT 4 and 4o are giving responses like the old models, doing what they are not asked for and repeating themselves. What’s going on OpenAI?

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@Munna23 The status site shows green but I am still facing the same issue along with my friends, why is there no response or action from OpenAIs side? The help and support team is also not responding. I mean literally I’m seeing free users benefitting from the free tokens and here I’m stuck after paying. What the hell is this?


I am also facing the same problem that GPT4o tell me he currently has no ability to view files and images.


y sama…padahal aku pake akun berbayar

chatgpt versi web gak ngenalin file yang diupload, mau gambar, mau file pdf, semua gak bisa…

Pesan error yang muncul :

“Sepertinya Anda mengunggah gambar, namun saya tidak dapat melihat atau memproses gambar secara langsung. Jika Anda dapat menjelaskan apa yang ada dalam gambar, saya bisa mencoba membantu dengan analisis atau penjelasan lebih lanjut!”

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