Hello, I’m aware that the Operator will have limited launch later this month for developers and researchers.
I also understand it won’t be full blown “Her OS” which is fine, things take time.
As a minimum, I would expect it to be able to do the following…
Create directories ( Folders ) and edit/save/delete. Will need to be able to create sub folders as well
Create files via notepad via ( all files (.) ) and edit/save/delete
Direct access to powershell ( type in things and hit enter, read, see errors and fix it ) Also for grabbing crates and install software ( pip install flask, for example )
Direct access to MSYS2 for Rust code and Phython programming language for Phyton code
Direct access to a debugger to work on debugging
Direct access to QEMU and/or other types of virtual machine emulators
Ability to create and install and manage an SQL for persistent storage/stateful memory. Also need to be able to designate a partition, D: drive for example.
Can create a folder in a place of your choice and call it OpenAI, then all projects you ask the operator to work on will have it’s own project folders inside the OpenAI folder.
Secondary wishlist
Integrate/merge API with plans, I’m on the pro plan $200 a month but in API no access to o1 Pro and the such
API use plan tokens, and only pay tokens if all plan tokens used up for example
Thanks for taking your time to read my post.