Operator access in Australia

Hello OpenAI Team,

I’m a ChatGPT-01 Pro subscriber based in Australia, and I’m keen to know when the Operator feature will be available here.

Currently, Operator is only available in the United States, and there hasn’t been any announcement regarding its expansion to other regions. I’d like to register my interest in gaining access and understand if there’s any timeline for its rollout in Australia.

Additionally, is there a way for international users to formally express demand for the feature? Given that we cannot access it, it’s unclear how OpenAI measures demand outside the US.

Looking forward to your response.


I’m keen too! Looking forward to hearing the reply to this request.

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I have been looking for this on the plans page and only just saw a video where the guy doing the walk through said it is USA only at this stage. This is gonna be a game changer if it does half of what i think it can. When Australia Operators @GPT?


I second this request . Keen to access it

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Same. Looking forward to exploring this from Australia. Thank you for all the work you are doing!

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Hi Openai team, I’m a long time pro user and Chatgpt advocate. This is highly anticipated by the ai community in Australia and I feel by releasing operator to us, it would be a signifiicant step in solidifying Openai in the region. With the intense increased competition now, this would allow Australian users to benefit with Operator and increase usage and Chatgpt popularity.
Hopefully this will roll out to us soon.
All the best for now.

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I finally had a reason to upgrade to pro… only to find New Zealand (Australias south east state) is not able to access. Wtf? Why?? No information online.

One more vote here. Hope someone in OpenAI is paying attention to this request.

KingAi here I’m getting a API is this the operator or no

Has anyone heard anything about Operator access in Australia? I haven’t seen any announcements since @mark.croxford first posted here. Would be grateful for any updates.

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Nope! Sounds of silence! Nothing heard from anyone in OpenAi