The model gpt-4o does not exist or you do not have access to it

Since July 12 we have been having issues with getting a 404 from the API on trying to produce completions for gpt-4o. The issue appears to be intermittent / does not affect all calls.

Error: 404 The model `gpt-4o` does not exist or you do not have access to it.

We have access to gpt-4o and our account is up to date. Some of our calls are succeeding while others are failing.

Same. Intermittent. I’m running a one-woman show and I can’t trouble shoot this for everyone I am sharing links with whether that is testing or clients. :frowning:

Did you get any help on this?

For us it turned out to be a problem with the API key. Someone had revoked an API key they thought was no longer in use and we got this error message as a result.