The model `gpt-4` does not exist- is gpt-4 deprecated?

This seems a bit strange - it was working 20 minutes ago and now this. The account is in tip-top condition financially. Did a switch get thrown on gpt-4? The model gpt-4 does not exist or you do not have access to it


Same! No code change on my end:

notfounderror(“error code: 404 - {‘error’: {‘message’: ‘the model gpt-4-turbo-preview does not exist or you do not have access to it. learn more:’, ‘type’: ‘invalid_request_error’, ‘param’: none, ‘code’: ‘module_not_found’}}”)

I am also getting this error from the API when accessing gpt-4-turbo-preview

Also not working for me with the same error. Same goes for the 1106 and 0125 versions.

It looks like there are a slew of API errors happening… hopefully this gets resolved when those do. Lots of rate limit exceeded (for no reason), 404 not found, etc.

The cold comfort of not being alone. Let me know if it resolves for any of you.

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Same error on gpt-4-0125-preview


Thanks - sorted. Just want to trap that in error handling when this happens in the future.

Guys, does it work already? I have error with gpt vision preview
{‘error’: {‘message’: ‘The model gpt-4-vision-preview does not exist or you do not have access to it. Learn more:’, ‘type’: ‘invalid_request_error’, ‘param’: None, ‘code’: ‘model_not_found’}}

are you still getting this - I got ‘The model gpt-4-turbo does not exist’ today

You will have higher success when employing a model name that exists: gpt-4-turbo-preview