Sponsored Organizations restricted to Tier 1


As a Microsoft StartUp organisation, we are grateful to have a $2.5K API Spend, but unfortunately are heavily restricted with what we are able to do due to the Tier 1 limitations which are only lifted when you’re a paid user, which is counter-productive of the initiative and offering.

To date, over 2-months we have only managed to spend $19 of the $2.5K due to the Tier limitations, and what we are able to actually do with the token restrictions.

Recently, we receive more token errors, and session wait limitations then we do outputs of productivity, and run into the same errors:

Rate limit reached for gpt-4-1106-preview in organization org-XXXX on requests per min (RPM): Limit 3, Used 3, Requested 1. Please try again in 20s. Visit https://platform.openai.com/account/rate-limits to learn more. You can increase your rate limit by adding a payment method to your account at https://platform.openai.com/account/billing.
Rate limit reached for gpt-4-1106-preview in organization org-XXXXX on requests per min (RPM): Limit 3, Used 3, Requested 1. Please try again in 20s. Visit https://platform.openai.com/account/rate-limits to learn more. You can increase your rate limit by adding a payment method to your account at https://platform.openai.com/account/billing.

Is this something we can look at changing? Thank you!

@logankilpatrick @dschnurr

ID: org-nfHcDNbqTpBHTY8DE4d9JKuI

On your billing overview, do you have the “add credit button”?

You likely will have to pay your way to a higher tier – which is better than before, where you could never escape free trial limitations while using such a free trial if your startup account had not already been paying and achieved higher rate limits.

This is all I can see, I can add credit from $10-$100… I am just trying to understand the system, so if I add credits, will this unlock the tier for the period of time until the $2.5K expires, or is this a monthly cost… A little confusing.

Since I have already added payment details (and an account that is on the legacy monthly billing), I have a new button for “buy credits”, one that you also might have after proceeding past “free trial” to “You’re a paying user”:


So you can game their game. $50+ is required to get to “normal” tier 2 where the models also don’t generate slow output just to punish you for not paying.

For now, the requirement to feed them more money is a “trust system” that more has to do about minimizing credit card risk.

@dylan1 I just manually increased your usage tier – we’ll try to do a better job of automatically applying this for Microsoft Startup organizations.


Absolute legend, thank you very much. Incredibly appreciated.

Hello, David

Our organization account has the same problem. Nevertheless, we’ve paid $50 - we’re still on Tier 1. And we spent >$100. So the Tier should be either 2 or 3. Right now, we are struggling with errors like

openai.error.RateLimitError: Rate limit reached for gpt-4-1106-preview in organization org-4oBrXMQfYbDM0gRbtWUEtG80 on tokens per day (TPD): Limit 500000, Used 498524, Requested 27051. Please try again in 1h13m39.36s. Visit https://platform.openai.com/account/rate-limits to learn more.

Can we upgrade to Tier 4 or 5, if it’s possible?

Hi @dschnurr (or anyone else on the OpenAI team) - we’re in the same situation… we have $2.5k credits from the Microsoft StartUp scheme but are stuck on the free tier. Could you could increase our usage tier so we can use the credits? Thanks in advance

Perhaps include your Org-ID to streamline the process.

Great shout @dylan1

Our org ID is: org-TPKPHeqHUOtiK6fzIIVvOhGe


We are also in the same problem. We have used over the criteria to move to Usage Tier 1.
But the status hasn’t changed automatically.(We have the 2.5k Microsoft startup credits)

Org ID: org-0v3j32Pg24YqupM5eOmET18i

Basically, if you see free credits, including those from Microsoft StartUp, it does not count as being “paid” (or “spent”?) to upgrade your tier.

You have to charge your account with a credit or debit card.

In addition, a new API account may receive $5 in free credits.
So, to ensure an upgrade to Tier 2, you need to charge(or “spend” - I’m not sure which) at least $55 out of pocket.


There may be exceptions, but they are not guaranteed.


@dignity_for_all that is correct. I’ll reach out to the team that manages Microsoft Startup organizations and see if we can automatically increase the usage tiers or at least better document this limitation.


Could y’all share me some information to help me apply for these types of programs and some information on any other types of programs similar to this I could apply for for my business?


Microsoft for Startups FoundersHub

Anyone has any business idea?

three or four of these and you’re a millionaire!

Hi David,
We also seem to have the same problem through credits acquired through a VC. Our Org ID is org-8WJFN0KJlWNS3JfdplRQR5Gs
We would love to get Tier 5 access if possible :slight_smile:

Same question please, our org is org-oSCDdVbuMVOXzaxVm5Ou0IUB.
Looking to operate on Tier 5 as well.
Thanks a million for your support!


Same situation here. Could you please take a look?
org-id: org-9PDTB5Rb9doeAR7FmmoRA0ls
It should be at least Tier1.
Tier2 would be better to cover up our current need.
Thank you!

P.S. We are not a sponsored organization, but Tier1 waits too long to be applied.