I am on an iPad and trying to get to the api area: platform OpenAI are my search terms. I try to log in with and without vpn and get:
Something went wrong while getting your SSO info
I saw a previous post when searching for similar issues and someone suggested changing auth to auth0 in the url. I tried this, and while it asked me for my password, authentication failed after that.
To summarize: vpn is not the problem and changing the url term auth to auth0 does not work.
Any ideas? I can log into chat with my credentials but the platform login is not working.
More info on this. I got an OpenAI email today, which included:
We’re reaching out to remind you that you have a vector store that falls into this category. Billing for this vector store will begin on January 27, 2025.
Ok but I cannot authorize to platform.openai.com to check my credit card, and delete assistants….
Probably doesnt help but I think that was my post and what fixed it for me was turning off my VPN when logging in. But yeah the changing of the URL didnt work for me either
Thanks - I tried that, but turning off the vpn doesn’t do anything to fix the problem. I do not know how to get in touch with OpenAI since the help leads to a FAQ
Answer on this: no, the vector store is not deleted. I had to manually delete the vector store because, unlike for assistants, there is no easy way to list them.