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my chatgpt not working
Something went wrong. If this issue persists please contact us through our help center at

status code:- 403 Forbidden

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This is happening to me as well. Very frustrating.

I’m also experiencing the same issue. 403 with the same error message, on GPT Plus with both 3.5 and 4. API seems to work though.
Chat GPT is not,

Update: in my case, it seems Avast updated itself and installed something called “AntiTrack” which broke down the ability of ChatGPT to run. Uninstalling this immediately solved the problem.

I am also experiencing the same issue for the past few days and cannot seem to get any search done.
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden)
_app-b505480c5fdf1ff2.js:14 FatalServerError: Something went wrong. If this issue persists please contact us through our help center at

I did not see Antitrack or any other related program installed.

Thoughts on how to get this fixed?

Same here. 403 error. I do not have AntiTrack installed to be removed. Anyone got this resolved?

Still nothing. It’s been going on for a few days now