Sign in failed by iOS in China

Something went wrong. Please make sure your device’s date and time are set properly. Check that your internet connection is stable, then restart the app and try again. (code:4368670F-A7D3-4227-

BDD7-5903C469A0DD, APIError, 4

00: Something went wrong. You may be connected to a disallowed ISP. If you are using VPN, try disabling it. Otherwise try a different Wi-Fi network or data connection. (1) (400, 8f1b6ef3dac33830-FRA))

OpenAI services are restricted in China. This is due to US technology export regulations and is not something OpenAI has control over.

A list of supported territories can be found here:

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Did a quick google search…

Ernie Bot is China’s equivalent to ChatGPT, an AI chatbot developed by Baidu, a Chinese search engine.

The Chinese government blocked ChatGPT’s domain on March 2, 2023.

it is illegal to access American sites in China, including using a VPN or other means to get around the government’s censorship.