Hello, OpenAI Community,
I am experiencing a recurring issue when requesting ChatGPT-4 to generate download links for documents. My initial request was made on November 6, 2024, at 4:32 PM (Brazil time). Since then, I have been receiving automated responses indicating technical difficulties with generating the link, but the issue remains unresolved. I’ve already tried several suggestions I found here on the forum, such as renaming the file and adjusting the link format, but without success.
I contacted OpenAI Support and provided full details, including:
- My registered email
- Device and browser I’m using
- Solutions I attempted
However, I have not yet received a definitive response or a direct solution.
If anyone has faced a similar situation and managed to resolve it, or if someone from the support team could offer a viable alternative, I would greatly appreciate it. This issue is impacting the progress of a project, and a prompt solution would be very helpful.
Thank you in advance for the community’s attention and support.