Question About Operator AI Availability and VPN Usage from gdpr Restricted countries (eu)

Hello OpenAI Team,

I have a question regarding Operator AI and regional restrictions.

I am in Denmark, and I have noticed that Operator AI is currently unavailable in my region due to GDPR restrictions. My question is:

1. Is there an expected timeline for Operator AI availability in GDPR regions?
2. Would using a VPN to access Operator AI be against OpenAI’s policies? I want to make sure I follow the guidelines properly.

I appreciate any clarification you can provide! Thank you in advance.


I’m sitting in Sweden with the same question. Please advice. Thanks!


I am in Australia and thought about this too

in my opinion, its in a similar state as sora… needs a lot of work

so, I think catching customers that pay $200 a month and are using a vpn is the least of their concerns

Any update? Same issue here. Thanks!

Any luck using VPN? It did not work for me! I have a pro subscription

I am sorry but it seems unfair , If I pay same money like US people , why I dont get service same time. Their money more value than rest of countries.