Public GPT Url changes with title

The published (/shared) url includes the title, alas it changes whenever you rename the GPT. That’s either an amateur move or an intentional decision I can’t follow.


Good catch. If you’re not using a link redirect service or your own tools, it would be bad to have a lot of links out in the wild. I wonder if they redirect? That would get really messy quickly.

This should probably be noted in the Custom GPT creation process somewhere. Thanks for passing it along.

I just changed my “DevGPT” to “Code togheter” to fit the policy and avoid the discouraged GPT in the GPT name.
To my opinion is not a redirect but both URLs points to the same resource: the correct custom GPT then is ok for historical links.

We also did a name change to ChatGPT - Supermetrics: Marketing & Ads Data Analytics, and the old URL still works. My hunch is that the key part of the URL is the id part, the name part after - is “optional”.
I do agree, that the current name change reflected to the GPt URL is a bit odd…Hope OpenAI will improve soon.