Project Files not working?

Does anyone have their recently uploaded files on Projects not being read or accessed by the AI? It knows the files are there but for some reason it can’t access them and instead assumes or hallucinates what might be in the files based on their names. My files in my case are only .docx and .txt from Google Docs. Old files uploaded before the 15th still work.

Also, files on normal chats work fine but for some reason it’s only Projects having this issue.


Same problem. GPT can’t find any information in the entire files. It has been going on for two days now. But he sees info in the uploaded files in the chat itself.

We need to find a way to get through to OpenAI with this.

i think this might be a 4o problem Files doesnt come "through" when using PC, but when switch to iphone, it comes through? - #22 by Dragens

Yeah I can confirm there seems to be something weird going on with GPT 4o not having all capabilities it should have.

i tested and it didn’t work even with 4o mini or 4

I made a test, this time with the official Windows app, and Project Files actually work. I think uploading the files through the website causes some bug that renders the files unaccessible

Edit: I have tested on both Brave (Chromium) and Firefox and the files still can’t be accessed if you upload them on the website


Thanks! That worked for me as well.

Why would that be happening though?