Paid user rate limited!?!

I am a paid user and got a rate limited!!!


Me too - ChatGPT has been shaky last two days

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i got banned too. i always answer mostly the same as before but then got banned…

same thing happened with me . showing Error 1015.

Same happened to me. Any idea how long does it take to regain access to the website?

Same here, seems like they have a major outage. On Discord there are many reports of this issue and the status monitor shows that ChatGPT is experiencing a major outage atm.

They appear to be having a pretty significant outage this morning. Originally, chats were just slow to respond or would error out. Based on the status page, it looks like they’re limiting the number of users who can login in an attempt to remediate the issue:

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I am facing the same issue

what is a solution here

i am banned as plus member too. I login over several spots on my city (ip). How can i avoid this ban, when i am using hotspots where are maybe ip banned?

I am paid user but getting this banned error Rate limited, how to resolve this

:warning: :warning: ChatGPT is experiencing an Outage. See the Status Page

At this time we are limiting the number of users who can log into ChatGPT. We are continuing to remediate the ongoing issue.

Degraded performance on ChatGPTSubscribe

Update - At this time we are limiting the number of users who can log into ChatGPT. We are continuing to remediate the ongoing issue.
Aug 31, 2023 - 08:28 PDT

Update - We are continuing to work on a remediation and recover service.
Aug 31, 2023 - 07:58 PDT

Identified - Some users are experiencing issues loading conversation history and creating new conversations. We have identified the issue and are working on a remediation.
Aug 31, 2023 - 06:52 PDT

This is a temporary issue, hopefully it will be resolved quickly, please be patient.

now I got
“Our systems have detected unusual activity from your system. Please try again later.”