Orientation problem for vertical images

I am trying to understand why some images in DALL-E are rendered incorrectly despite having specified orientations like Elara style prompts above although aspect ratio is highlighted in the prompt as vertical, but it is not easy to understand.

Consistent results are not always achievable. Until OpenAI fully discloses and provides detailed guidance on how to frame our prompts, we will continue to consume more tokens and might deplete our daily image limits quickly without achieving the desired outcomes.

From last week, my experiences, I’ve noticed three key observations, though they don’t encompass everything, and results may vary widely:

  1. When using expressions related to Gothic, Victorian, or other historical times and specifying nighttime, a request for a female character dressed in women’s attire, even if requested vertically, results in a vertical frame but with a horizontal landscape.

  2. If a female character is described wearing clothes typically worn by men, such as trousers or suits, the resulting image comes out vertical.

  3. Specifying only daytime in the situation described first results in a vertical image output.

  4. If male characters are dressed in women’s clothing, the image orientation tends to be vertical.

I tried 7 times each image below and I got similar outputs except day time prompt gave only once wrong position.

I dropped here only 2 samples for each:

1- female - female attire - night

2- female - man attire - night

3- female - female attire - day

4- male - female attire - night