Open AI support for Data Prediction / Analysis

Is there way to use the OpenAI / ChatGPT models for Data predictions based on the previous conversations or custom data.
For example, the data we pass to OpenAI API contains customer and the products purchased by the customers on different years/dates and amounts. based on this data, we need a prediction about the customer requirement and product purchase capacity.
Also, Model should capable of finding the best customers among customers and help up-selling / promoting the relevant products to them in a better price.

any of your ideas / help are much appreciated!


If you’re building a recommender system, I do think that the embedding API could prove useful with peer-finding.

I also think that you can use the generative models to construct progressive purchase paths.

But this is more or less just optimization on top of the traditional methods - I don’t think you can just pop stuff into the API and get a response, unless you have a very small catalogue :thinking:

How familiar are you with basics of digital marketing?