My custom GPT asking user to sign in to the API for performing the actions

Hi everyone, as the title suggests, I created a custom GPT few months back, which was working fine. It uses some API requests for certain actions, for which I have provided all the credentials. However, when I tried it out today, it asked me to sign in to the website, for that API request related to an action. I have added an image to show the issue (however I have changed the name of website in the screenshot).

The weird part is that if I ask it to run it without signing in, it is able to do so, which makes me wonder if it is a chatgpt bug


You posted first but I just saw another similar post.

Will pin this to see if others are having same problem.

If you have the problem then just add a me too reply. If this is really a problem the more info OpenAI has the faster they can resolve it.

Also check the OpenAI status for updates.


I’ve been having this same issue since 10/30/24. I’ve logged out, cleared cache, changed my settings to require it to ask me to allow again, but still not working. It’s happening with a few different gpts that I’ve tried.


Make sure to update the custom GPTs and make sure all the necessary API keys are saved as expected in actions definitions. Just open the edit gpt screen, go to actions, open authorization, check your keys (had to insert mine today twice), save the credentials, save the gpt. Then if needed, clear browser cache (personally did not have to clear cache).

Update: Thanks all, it seems the issue was resolved, I changed nothing for the GPT and it seemed to work as before!