My account is associated to a phone number have I never seen before. I'm trying to pay $20 to upgrade ChatGPT but I can't because of this

When I click: UpgradeToPlus>UpgradePlan I am asked to verify my phone number. The problem is that it tells me my phone numbers ends in *********xy, where xy are the two last digits. But I don’t own a phone, nor have a friend whose last digits are xy.

I think you have to confirm your registration to OpenAI by phone, but how did I do that if I’ve never owned a phone number with last digits xy?

PS: I tried to recreate this problem, but now ChatGPT is no longer asking me to verify my number. I have no reason to believe the problem has been solved. I can log into my account fine, so is there any way that I can see which phone number is associated to my account? Because if it’s the wrong it’s not a good idea to spend $20 on this account.


You telling me that phone number magically added into ur account?

When you make an account and you enter a phone number, is confirming your phone number necessary?
If it’s not then it’s possible I acccidentally gave the wrong number.
If you need to confirm your phone number then it being magically added into my account is as an explanation as good as any. I have no idea what this phone number is.

Similar issue here except I can recognise the phone as a phone I used to have 3 years ago in another country. It is NOT the phone I registered to chatGPT with last December because I have no access to it and also I still have the confirmation text on my CURRENT phone which is not the one that appears upon trying to pay for the plus subscription. I’m not going to pay unless this is solved.

I found out they got this phone from my google account - I had forgotten to change it there until recently. So check your google account phone in settings to see if it has the same 2 last digits.

I don’t understand why they got the number from my google account when I registered with my actual phone manually and got the confirmation text there.

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I have the same issue.
I login with my Google Account. Which has my correct phone number (just checked).
But the ChatGPT account somehow seems to have the end digits to a phone number I last used on another continent over two years ago?
It would be wonderful to solve this.
Thank you.

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I also have this problem. Has anyone found a solution when signing up with your google account?

Same here. I was going to upgrade to 4.0, but I can’t because they ask me to confirm with my phone, but I’ve literally never entered a phone number, nor does the one registered even exist. To be clear, not my number, they never asked me for one and it doesn’t exist. I can’t pay, I can’t change my number nor my e-mail because again they want me to confirm with my “phone” before changing the e-mail. Would be nice to understand what is going on here. :confused:

Exactly the same issue, I had another telephone number that I used for a couple months abroad, honestly at this point I’m not even sure if that’s the ghost phone number that OpenAI is using.

I did an account with my mail for professional stuff a year ago, that mail has my old number (one that I still have access to) as the main number.

Yesterday when I tried to upgrade to plus, that other telephone number, that ends in 77, appearead in as my confirmation phone for upgrading.

I texted help, and they said that for some neandertal reason I can’t change my account’s phone number, I have double checked 4 times now, my OpenAI verified number is not the same as the number that appears when I want to make the payment.

I decided to give up and create a new account with my new number, which I’m using for data and so on, and my mail for hobbies, Confirm my phone, number, with the received code, everythign goes well, go to chatgpt, log out from the old account, open the new one, upgrade to plus, the same ghost number that ends in 77 appears, ¿From where? god knows, I guess I’m never paying for OpenAI services.

Found the issue.

It’s not OpenAi, the payment sistem is powered by Stripe, specifically their service link.

Seemingly I opened an account with them years ago in a trip abroad, and somehow when I tried to make the payment for chatgpt they recognized the e-mail account and required the phone authentication to streamline the payment.

The problem (at least for me) is that I couldn’t recognize the fact that I was somehow being required to log into another service, and was trying to figure out how did OpenAI have access to information they shouldn’t have.

I tried, by chance, to pay for another service in another webpage that afternoon and saw that I had the same issue, then it took me some googling, and account recovery in Stripe, to be able to finally do the payment.


Same issue here. I’m pretty sure OpenAI is losing a ton of money over this issue and they don’t even know it, or care?

Moments ago I tried to upgrade to Plus, but it’s asking me to verify a phone number (xxx) xxx-xx53. I have never owned a phone in my life that ends in 53.

I have been banging my head with this too.

Here is how I resolved it:

Log into LINK (not stripe)
app (dot) link (dot) com / login

Choose another number
Choose reset number
Enter the email associated with your account
Enter the code sent to email
Change your phone number
You will lose all of your billing history and information but you will (hopefully) get in control of your number again.

I don’t remember creating an account with Link and I had to create an account with Strip to see where my number was coming from and why the last two digits are actually mine. It seems if you have a Google Pay account, stripe is able to use that info to know what number it needs to send codes to.