Muse Creative Content Assistant - Your AI Workspace

Will you be attempting to compose long form work ever? Such as writing entire novels or screenplays? As a writer myself, an editor bot would be fantastic. For instance, something that can recommend different prose styles or provide critical feedback on topics such as interiority, narrative summary, dialog, and exposition.

I did an experiment very similar. Bold was all I wrote.

Write the premise for a cerebral, contemplative scifi novel:

In a future where humanity has expanded into the solar system, a group of scientists aboard an interstellar research station, stranded and cut off from Earth, try to avoid a disaster that could wipe out all life on Earth. The New Earth is a book about one of the crew members aboard the research station, the consequences he faces when he’s the only one left alive, and his efforts to save Earth before it’s too late.

Write a theme for this novel:

The theme is that we need to take care of our planet, and we need to be more aware of what we do to it.

Create a name for the main character:

Peter Smith

Write a detailed backstory for Peter Smith:

Peter Smith was always interested in the outdoors, and was determined to make a difference. He studied hard, and was one of the few that got accepted into the prestigious interstellar research program. Peter was on the first mission to set up the research station on the moon. Then, Earth went dark. Now, Peter is the only one left alive on the station. He has to find a way to get back to Earth and save it before it’s too long.

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