MindPal: turn any material into AI-enhanced learning space

Hi there!

I just made MindPal, a tool that turns any materials you have (pdf, pptx, youtube video,…) into an AI-enhanced learning space.

Check it out: https://www.mindpal.space

Some demo images


Very clean layout. Great application.

Good luck!

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Thank you, it would be great if you can leave some feedback in help us improve page for us


Well, besides looking like Bootstrap Page #50002321 and the repetitive images on the landing page (I admittedly have not used the application). I think it’s going in the right direction.

PDF reading/discussing is a hot topic, but simplicity is king.
Based on your screenshot, it looks very nice. Very intuitive and pleasing.

Your 404 page results in the generic template model (not a bad thing, just may upset potential customers)
Honestly these are all TLC things though.

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i’ve been using this for a while! absolutely in love with it. great for people who self-learn a lot of stuff online like me. you guys have a lot of potential so please keep up the amazing work and keep improving this product. i will surely always be the first to support you guys.

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This is a cool project! I tried the youtube video feature, and here are some feedback:

  1. I tried to use a playlist, but it seems to only accept the link to the playlist itself. If I give it a link to a video in a playlist, I feel it should be smart enough to parse out the list ID from the URL? For example, this is the link I used: CreatiCode Playground Demo - 3D Programming - YouTube

  2. It asks me to provide my OpenAI API Key. I feel most users would not have the API key or don’t know how to get it? So this might limit who can use your tool.

  3. I also tried a PDF link “https://arxiv.org/pdf/2303.12712”, and it said it was imported successfully, but then I got a “failed to fetch” error when I load that document.

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I think you could try the link https://arxiv.org/pdf/2303.12712.pdf
The fail-to-fetch error is because I save the pdf URL in the database, and use it to display the pdf file. I will fix this bug soon

For the API key, I’m still waiting for the startup credit from OpenAI team, I will let people chat without importing key when I receive the grant

Sent You detailed suggestions in Minpal itself about context.
tumbs up with the project.

Are you planing to launch any AI Agents? I am watching your youtube channel updates fequently. But I am intrested to build AI Agents. Ayou planing to buld plugins or tools to interact with realworld tools?