🎬 Meet WOXO: A ChatGPT Plugin Striving to Democratize Video Creation for All

:point_right: Video Demo → here

Feedback? Yes, please! :tada:

Hey there, fellow tech enthusiasts!

I’m Dariel, a startup founder, proud dad of two little geniuses, and a self-proclaimed content junkie. Juggling the delightful whirlwind of parenthood and the exciting roller coaster of entrepreneurship, I was on the lookout for a simpler, more effective approach to video creation. That’s where WOXO comes into play.

WOXO is a content creation suite powered by AI :bulb: and used by thousands of entrepreneurs, educators, and small businesses around the globe to streamline their content creation process. Now, we’re aiming to integrate this power with the ChatGPT ecosystem, and we couldn’t be more excited! :tada:

Here’s a quick run-through of how it works:

  1. Type in your video’s prompt – Unleash your creativity and write a prompt that describes the video you want to create. :memo:

  2. Preview and Customize – WOXO creates videos tailored to your prompt, but also gives you the flexibility to personalize your content by tweaking the text, voiceover, music, and visuals. :art:

  3. Share or Download – Once you’re happy with your creation, easily download your videos :inbox_tray: or share them across various social media platforms :rocket: to captivate your audience.

Now, we’re at a point where we need your help. We’re searching for adventurous souls to beta test WOXO. We need your insights, your constructive criticism, your unfiltered thoughts. At this pre-review stage, I only have 9 spots left, so if you’re intrigued and up for the challenge, please shoot me a DM right away. :envelope_with_arrow:

If you’re up for giving ChatGPT the power to create mesmerizing videos, let’s talk. I’m all ears for your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions. :ear:

Remember, with WOXO and ChatGPT, we’re not just making videos, we’re crafting visual symphonies… and you’re the maestro! :musical_note::notes:

Let’s roll, :game_die:


1 Like

Count me in.

David Hirschfeld

CEO & Founder

Tekyz, Inc.


I’d love to test this plugin dariel! I want to create an info channel using AI.

Hi David,

Fantastic! It’s great to have you onboard. I’ll make sure you get access as soon as possible. Your input will be invaluable as we fine-tune WOXO.

I’ll DM you soon with more details.

Hi Eric,

That’s fantastic! An info channel powered by AI sounds like a perfect match for the WOXO plugin.

I’ll be DMing you shortly with more details on how to get started.

Looking forward to our collaboration,

Hi Eric, I got access to plugins a couple months ago but never heard back. I am really interested in what you are doing. btw - I am creating a mastermind of people building new things with OpenAI. if you are interested, connect with me on LinkedIn /dhirschfeld and put “mastermind” in the connection request.