I want to generate an image for a section in an article. The section contains about 500 words and have 3 paragraphs.
Should I use the texts in the whole section as a prompt? Or create an abstract of the section in about 10 words as a prompt?
I have tried and it seems whole section works better. But sometimes the whole section will generate images with a lot of objects, which is not desired. So I think may be too many info will confuse the AI model?
You could have the LLM generate a separate “image description” (based on text from article) after you generate the article then send that to DALLE3…
For shorter prompts, it’s more likely DALLE3 will add/change the prompt. With longer prompts, there’s usually less changing. However, like you said, you want it to be relevant, so have the LLM generate a second image description after the article…
Add something like, "At the end of the article, include the heading “Article Image:” and three to five sentences that can be used to generate an appropriate image for the article.
Or you could just send the entire article a second time to a smaller model (maybe 3.5-turbo) and have it do a proper image description. More work/cost, but the results should be a lot more consistent for you.