Let's watch it together: 1st day of Shipmas today at 10 AM PST (05 Dez '24)

Join us for some community fun and chat about today’s announcement and presentation while the event is live.

Here is the link to the live stream on YouTube.

The stream will go live at 2024-12-05T18:00:00Z (The time should automatically adjust to the time zone of your device)

Here are some additional links, in case you want to get your hype level up:
Official Announcement:



Link to the live event has been added to the original post


15 minutes until the event starts.
3,000+ viewers are already waiting.


Comments on YouTube are not active.
Share your thoughts here.

The stream is live. The event will start in a few minutes


o1 full release.

That’s all I could ask for :slight_smile:


Wow. $200/M for Pro Mode.


That’s a huge jump.

I could use the additional queries though


I am curious how it applies to Team accounts, if at all. We are already pretty close to $200/M with 6 seats.


If pricing remains consistent that should be about 300$ per month and seat.
Mixing the type of seats should be a thing

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pricing page is updated: https://openai.com/chatgpt/pricing/?tab=business


Yea, it would be a cool feature to be able to add some seats on the Team as pro and not others.


I like these awkward presentations.
And I like that it was so short.

The show ended after 15 minutes.


I can’t wait until tomorrow’s announcement, these are cool! They did hint at hooking o1 to tools, function calling, and the API.

Once this get’s into the API, the new Pro Mode may not make sense for us API users, since the API is pay as you go, and not capped.

I guess I’d rather they go this route than having an expensive monthly cost, even though I love the what ChatGPT brings to the table integration wise.


I still have some credits to burn before they expire so I find myself using the playground instead of ChatGPT recently, but having a nice interface is also just that: nice.

o1 with tooling will be absolutely insane. If It can augment it’s reasoning chain with the functions and context, sheesh.

Being also capable of vision is just icing on top.

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Recently Sam mentioned that there will be 12 days of releases and demos of new products in yesterday’s interview:

It starts today, so, what are you hopping for? I’m personally waiting for 3 things:

  1. O1
  2. Sora
  3. Video functionality with Advanced Voice Mode (AVM)

I’m not sure about demos, but I think they’ll demo an agent that can control your computer. Maybe even gpt-5, who knows!

I think saying “in the coming weeks” was a mistake last time and they’ve learned their lesson!

I’m very grateful for the entire OAI team! very much so!

What do you guys think? What are you hopping for from OpenAI (OAI) in these 12 days of XMAS?

side note about the video, i found it hilarious how New York Times law suite part of this interview, I’m with Sam on the “they’ll be seen in the wrong side of history”, but found very funny the entire interaction around that

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From my perspective things on my wish list

  1. Ability to have desktop app voice and chat window open at same time to see the outputs well chatting.

  2. More long term memory and more so cross session understanding

  3. O1 release

  4. Sora

  5. Full release of the video input with voice, and expand on voice where did singing go :slight_smile:

  6. new models

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oooooh shit! it started!!!

it started! 3 minutes ago! I think I was the first like, lol!


I love your wish list, very much aligns with my wishes as well

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