Now all of a sudden after updating MacOS, I can only use this keyboard shortcut if the ChatGPT window is visible on screen. It doesn’t have to be in focus - I can be in another app - but it cannot be minimized.
Any idea about how to bring back the old behavior?
Ok, I figured it out. Earlier today I disabled the menubar icon because I never use it and it is just visual clutter. Turns out the chat bar shortcut functionality is tied to the menubar icon and it doesn’t work unless the icon is active. Which is strange, because the newly introduced shortcut for pairing a chatgpt window with a coding app such as VScode works globally regardless…
Could the devs make it so we don’t need to have the menu bar icon enabled? I don’t like having anything up in my menu bar but if I keep the app only in the dock then I lose this main functionality — which is accessing the chat from everywhere on my computer. Can this request be raised somehow? Thanks!
I agree with your initial request, but as a possible solution for you, I suggest the ICE menu bar app (google it). It’s an app to help tidy your menu bar. For ChatGPT, I put the menu bar icon in the “Always-hidden Section” so I never see the icon but this shortcut now works.