chatGPT desktop app overwrites CMD+S

Open up chatGPT desktop app and open up VsCode

Have the chatpGPT desktop app in the background and then open up an file in vs code and try to save it with the commands CMD+S

Vs code does not react to that, but as soon as I close down chatGPT desktop app then it worked.


I am facing the same problem, couldn’t find why yet

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Just change the short cut and close the app and be fixed. that’s what I did

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which shortcut cmd+s in vscode?
Hell no thats default the app should’nt overwrite it.


For me, this is very useful. CMD+S toggles the sidebar on and off, which I personally like, but there is no option to turn this off so you can’t use it in combination with other application commands.

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This collides with Arc CMD+S so not nice at all.

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I find that most of the time I don’t close Arc’s sidebar, so this doesn’t really affect me, but this is more of a personal opinion.

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Developers use CMD+S a lot on VS code . that’s why it’s important


That is interesting, as my IDE (Zed) allows me to do CMD+S to save the file while also being able to keep ChatGPT on top to answer questions.


Also happening with SublimeText as well


Almost all IDE/Text editor in Mac is using CMD+s to save editing, what the heck of the product designer thinking to make it toggle sidebar, which is the least frequently actions that user would do, besides there is already a button servers the same purpose.

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I use this feature with the ChatGPT application all the time.

Why can’t you click on your IDE and then do CMD+S, why do you have to stay on ChatGPT?

Just much slower.

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Not sure why you keep toggle sidebar, but that’s fine.

Why I said so is because the chatGPT app overrides the CMD+s, so this shortcut is not working in other apps such as Sublime.

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Why can’t you click on your IDE and then do CMD+S, why do you have to stay on ChatGPT?

Because the ChatGPT app is grabbing CMD+S GLOBALLY even when it’s not the window of focus. I save with CMD+S hundreds of times a day, yet never once have I thought to myself “If only there was some shortcut to close the sidebar that I never toggle”


I can not seem to replicate this: Watch Screen Recording 2024-05-18 at 2.15.34 PM | Streamable

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It happened the first time I ran ChatGPT, and once I closed/reopen I was no longer able to recreate it either. It’s strange.


I had the same experience as @kickroot .

Ironically, I used the ChatGPT app to lead me to the solution, in which I discoverd the key binding. I fully quit ChatGPT (making sure it did not appear in the menu bar either) and the cmd-s binding worked across applications as expected. When I restarted the ChatGPT app, all apps still work, so it was a simple fix. I don’t yet know if this will reappear after a restart, if someone else has observed this one way or the other that would be useful to the devs if this is seen by them.


Same thing happened to me. Thanks to this thread it’s fixed.

Now that I re-opened the ChatGPT App, it does not seem to swallow the Cmd+S (so far).

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I can also confirm that first time when you open chatGPT desktop app it will overwrite the CMD+S. Close it down and then reopen it and it will not override the CMD+S

So that is an workaround/solution for now.


I’m running into the same problem, is there a solution?