Issue with account creation phone number

2 days ago, my account suddenly got suspend for “violation of policy” even though I didn’t do anything to violate them. After being unable to access DELL A to appeal, I decide to make a new account and use my previous phone number. Come to find out, I can’t use my phone number because the account thay got suspended had that number on it. Please help or provide insight.

Welcome to the developer forum!,

For account related issues please use OpenAI Help Centre in the bottom right corner is a message icon. image click the icon and enter your issue, the bot will take your details and a member of the account support team will get back to you, it may take several weeks due to the number of people currently using the system.

The above pasted text - if you really think that a human would look over what was repeatedly flagged as content violations, abuse, or suspicious behavior triggering an automated action and decide instead from their manual review that there was an error and that you should be reinstated…

Chill out. And what me being reinstated? I was only using my OpenAi account for bots to make stories. True, fantasy violence was a part of the storyline but that doesn’t mean, I should’ve gotten suspended. It wasn’t even anything beyond first aid.

Those red tags on your chats add up – until this result.

You’d have to convince someone working at OpenAI through that help link, not me.