Issue Completing Builder Profile

I created a couple of GPTs and wanted to get things in order to be able to leverage the store when it opens. When I go to Settings/Builder Profile it says this…

Complete verification to publish GPTs to everyone.
Verify your identity by adding billing details or verifying ownership of a public domain name.

I don’t have a domain I want to submit. So it makes it seem like I can add billing details instead. Where do I do this? Can’t seem to figure it out. Any help is appreciated.


I just ran into this even though I had a domain verified.

I unchecked the verified domain then checked it again, and it was okay. So, maybe try doing the same with the Name?

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I got the same problem. Wait for the solution.

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I have the same problem. Can’t verify. I subscribed to ChatGPT via iPhone. On the Web, I don’t have the option to activate the “name” button. I don’t have a domain.
I have filled in payment information on OpenAI (for Playground), but nothing happens…
Any ideas?

No idea. Haven’t figured it out. If you find a solution let me know.

Hi - I figured out at least one solution. I already pay (as do you all I assume) but set up my payment method prior to this requirement. So all I did was ‘verify’ myself using my LinkedIn profile - super quick and easy. If you didn’t want to use your day to day one - it’s easy enough to set up a secondary one. But once I verified myself it immediately gave me the option to publish.