Is it normal for OpenAI Support to request videos for bug reports?

I submitted feedback to OpenAI Support regarding an issue, but they first asked me to provide a video demonstration.

Is this a normal procedure? Have other users experienced this as well?

I’d appreciate hearing from others who have reported issues before.

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Hi and welcome to the community!

It’s quite rare to hear about users being asked to submit a screen recording of the bugs they’re experiencing.

It’s not unheard of, but it’s uncommon.

If you don’t mind me asking, what exactly did you report?

Thank you for the response!

The issue I reported was related to ChatGPT’s memory management:

  1. Skip Flow doesn’t properly disable memory updates.
  2. Deleting a single memory entry removes all related data, even if I only wanted to delete a specific one.

After I reported this to OpenAI support, I was asked to submit a video recording demonstrating the issue.
I found this surprising because I am just a regular user, not a QA tester.

Is this request something that has been made to other users before?
And do you know if the development team has acknowledged these issues?

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Also, from what you said, it seems like this is not a common request.
That makes me wonder… why was I specifically asked to submit a video?
Have there been any internal policy changes regarding bug reports recently?

It can be extreamly helpful to get a screen recording (does not need to be a “video” as in from a camera.

I absolutely understand the importance of sharing videos to illustrate issues clearly.

However, when OpenAI Support requested a video from me, as a regular user, I couldn’t help but wonder:

  • Would this bug not be reported to the development team unless I provided a video?

  • If I didn’t submit proof, could the support team dismiss my feedback as non-existent or unreliable?

Fortunately, I was able to record and submit the video within three hours.
Of course, having a video makes it easier to investigate the issue.

However, I also hope that the support team understands the complex feelings I had when receiving that request.

If they can’t recreate it then they have to see specifically which actions you take that make it occur.

Thank you for your response.
However, the focus of this issue is not “how to reproduce the bug” but rather “the support policy” regarding bug reports.

The key questions are as follows:

① Why was I specifically asked to submit a video?
② What is the standard procedure for handling bug reports?
③ If I had not provided a video, would my report have been forwarded to the development team?

The video has already been submitted, so the issue of reproducibility is no longer relevant.
However, if “a bug report is only considered valid when accompanied by a video”,
this would be a significant concern for users.

In any case, for rare cases like mine, it would be appropriate to clarify whether a video is ‘mandatory’ or if reports can still proceed without one.

Therefore, I would appreciate a clear explanation of whether this approach is a standard process or an exceptional case.

Thanks for your thoughts!

Most likely because they couldn’t replicate the problem.

There is no standard procedure, there is a small team and they do what they can.

If they can’t replicate the bug and you can’t prove the bug exists then your report would probably not have been forwarded to the development team, because what can they do with that info.

I see, that makes sense.
Thank you for the detailed explanation!

However, does that fully justify why I was not given any explanation beforehand?
The core issue here seems to be the clarity of your support policy rather than the specifics of individual cases.
Regardless of whether this is a standard or exceptional case, clear communication should still be a necessity.

I apologize if my English is unclear or if my phrasing is difficult to understand, but I hope my point is conveyed properly.

In any case, I have already submitted the video.
I believe the two issues requiring a fix have been identified, so I would appreciate an update on their resolution.

Additionally, I have not received any follow-up from the support team, so I would appreciate an update on the current status.

It may take a while for them to get back to you. This is all the help we can provide on the forum.

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