I want to share my new, experimental project

Hello there,

After viewing a random DALL-E 2 generated picture on my work group’s Slack channel, I went and tried to generate some creative image.

I fell in love in DALL-E 2 in a matter of seconds!

As an amateur web developer, invested some money to dedicated server, domain and SSL certificate. But it’s not important.

I’ve created a website, which has a goal to integrate old-school games with AI generated images.

the website is ai-pics.fun , i’ve finished it within a week to that shape as it is right now. I have finished two board games ( Hangman and "find 2 same… ) , but planning to add at least two more.

I am asking for your opinion to this website (please be as critical as you can).
Also, I am asking for some suggestion for adding new games to that site, and also, I have a “contribute” button, which allows you to suggest some crazy ideas for generating images being used on that website (with a small slide captcha just because of bots), because more images = more fun! :slight_smile:

Thank you in advance for every opinion / thought about my site.

have a nice day! :slight_smile: