Issue is not resolved for me as well, please check your DMs
Same here, not solved and I sent you a DM
Yes. this problem has been fixed. i hope that similar issues with other developers have been fixed as well. Thank you.
Hey I figured it out guys!!! okay so create a new Project and a new API key under that new project. Worked instantly.
For some reason when I looked at my first project, it said the creation date was September 4, 2024.
Which is impossible because I created it yesterday.
Made a new project and boom. I’m in. Let me know if this works for you guys.
Hey I figured it out guys!!! okay so create a new Project and a new API key under that new project. Worked instantly.
For some reason when I looked at my first project, it said the creation date was September 4, 2024.
Which is impossible because I created it yesterday.
Made a new project and boom. I’m in. Let me know if this works for you guys.
Oh my God!!! ethancokendolpher is absolute right!!!
It is a bug with the date of the project created on the signup! The date of my project was also wrong, so I created a new project, switch to the new project, create a new key to that new project and now everything is working!
It’s now working on my end
Ayyy Lets gooo! I’m new to this forum, is there any way to elevate this so everyone can see it as a solution?
I am also have the problem and am unable to send you a DM. Can you reach out to me for my orgID? Thanks!
Now it’s working for me too… this is the request:
“role”: “user”,
“content”: “Write a haiku about recursion in programming.”
}, and got the response:
ChatCompletionMessage(content='Calling back to me, \nFunction spirals through itself, \nEndless loops of thought. ', refusal=None, role=‘assistant’, audio=None, function_call=None, tool_calls=None)
Thanks a lot
This is working for me now. Thank you.
Worked for me as well. Thank you!!
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