I just signed-up and paid, but i got error-429. My limit is still untouched

Update: This issue should be resolved!
Please DM me your orgIDs if you’re still seeing the same issue.


I’m not sure how I can send you a DM, but I am still having the issue.

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Issue is not resolved for me as well, please check your DMs

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Same here, not solved and I sent you a DM

Yes. this problem has been fixed. i hope that similar issues with other developers have been fixed as well. Thank you.

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Hey I figured it out guys!!! okay so create a new Project and a new API key under that new project. Worked instantly.

For some reason when I looked at my first project, it said the creation date was September 4, 2024.
Which is impossible because I created it yesterday.

Made a new project and boom. I’m in. Let me know if this works for you guys.

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Hey I figured it out guys!!! okay so create a new Project and a new API key under that new project. Worked instantly.

For some reason when I looked at my first project, it said the creation date was September 4, 2024.
Which is impossible because I created it yesterday.

Made a new project and boom. I’m in. Let me know if this works for you guys.


Oh my God!!! ethancokendolpher is absolute right!!!
It is a bug with the date of the project created on the signup! The date of my project was also wrong, so I created a new project, switch to the new project, create a new key to that new project and now everything is working!



It’s now working on my end

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Ayyy Lets gooo! I’m new to this forum, is there any way to elevate this so everyone can see it as a solution?